Hey, Bookworms!
For as much time as you’ll spend at summer camp running around, participating in vicious games of Capture-the-Flag, daylong hikes, and general fun, you’ll also have some downtime—time to yourself if you like. Maybe you like to draw. Maybe you like to write. But no matter what you like, I’ll bet you love to read.
How do I know that? Well, for starters, you’re reading this blog post.
Anyway, if you love reading and you love summer camp, then allow me the complete pleasure of introducing you to Melissa J. Morgan’s Camp Confidential book series for preteens. These books (which are also sold in the UK under the name Summer Camp Secrets) are certain to get you into the summer camp spirit and keep you entertained for days!
Ms. Morgan’s Camp Confidential series currently consists of 26 books but still has potential to expand if the author so wishes to continue telling of the misadventures and secrets that the girls have at Camp Walla Walla.
The series gets started with a group of girls at Camp Lakeview. Despite their secrets, dislikes, disagreements, and fights the group grows together. You’ll fall in love with great fictional friends like the compassionate and caring Natalie or Alyssa who’s more of the cool and quiet type. Meet the ever-pranking Jenna, the charming Grace Matthews, and all the snootier girls that the Lakeview group must abide at their new camp, Walla Walla.
You’ll struggle to put these books down as you learn more about these lovable characters and turn page after page of plot twists, misadventures, and hilarious moments. Discover who your favorite character is, which camp you’d rather go to, and if Natalie can make things work with Simon.
You can find every single installment of Melissa J. Morgan’s Camp Confidential series right here at Everything Summer Camp. So delve into these great cool summer camp paperbacks and enjoy your camp stay!
- John