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Jenga Throw 'N Go—Towering Fun for Campers

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Hey, Campers!

Gathered around a table with laughing friends on a fun-filled evening at summer camp, the campers are focused in on a classic game: the Jenga tower. After some teetering for the previous player, one nervous camper inhales deep and holds their breath as they carefully slide a block out from the middle of the tower—balance becoming an extremely delicate matter. Welcome to the world of Jenga!

The tension rises as the tower wobbles and sways, testing this camper’s steadiness and sensitivity as they successfully set the block on the top layer of the tower. Who’s next?

This game has its roots in East Africa where Leslie Scott—Jenga creator—grew up. At home, she would play a stacking game with her family using simple wooden blocks and, when she eventually brought the game to England in the 1980s, she decided to trademark it under the name ‘Jenga,’ which she got from the Swahili word ‘kujenga,’ which, translated, means ‘to build’. From there, Jenga took off like wildfire!

Jenga Throw 'N Go is essentially the same classic tower game as the original, but with an added element: a Rolling Die. The excitement builds with each turn as you test your skills and try to outsmart your opponents. Each turn begins with a roll of the die which will then instruct the player of the block they need to go for or surprise them with another option.

Will your turn go smoothly or will you face the challenge of a load-bearing block that could bring the downfall of the tower? The roll of the die can change everything, with a ‘Reverse’ sending the turn back to the previous player or an ‘Any Two’ making one turn twice as nerve-racking!

Jenga Throw 'N Go is the perfect addition to your summer camp experience. Experience the thrill of carefully removing blocks and placing them on top, all while keeping the tower from crashing down! With this game, you’re set for hours of fun, laughter, and the sheer exhilaration of summer camp-style fun! Don't miss out on the excitement—bring the Jenga Throw 'N Go tower to your next camp adventure! Thanks for reading and, as always, Happy Camping!


- John

Impressive Decorated Pumpkins

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Hey, Pumpkin People!

The wait is over to find out who won our Decorated Pumpkins Contest. In fact, today's our chance to share all the great entries we received! But before anything else and any more wait, let's have a look at our winners!






First up we have Natalee C. who goes to Camp Huawni as our First Place Winner! Congratulations, Natalee! That's some tasty-looking pump-corn!





In Second Place, we have Camp Ozark camper Madeline S. who served up a triple-scoop pumpkin cone! Nice work, Madeline!
lAnd then we have our third place winner: Jake W. who goes to Camp Ridgecrest and appears rather comfortable sitting next to a carnivorous pumpkin! You're a brave soul, Jake.
We had so many other great entries for our Pumpkin Decorating Contest. Here are all our other participants!
Quinn L.,  Camp Mystic
Ella F., Camp Takodah
Serene G.
Anna F., Camp DeSoto
Barbara, Camp Longhorn
Bradley C., Camp Huawni
Brent H., LLYC
Cathleen L., Camp Longhorn
Courtney C., Camp Winnecomac
Dorothy S., Camp DeSoto
Elizabeth P., Gold Arrow Camp
Emily G., Camp Arbutus
Johanna A., Camp Cody (son), Camp Merriwood (daughter)
Kate C., Red Pine Camp
Lacee O., Sky Ranch
Leia I., Camp Molly Lauman (Girl Scouts Camp)
Maddie S., Camp Takodah
Nicia L., Camp Woodland for Girls
Reese C., Camp Kanakuk
Rose R., Birchtrail Camp
Roxy R., Camp Birchtrail
Sarah H., Sky Ranch (son)
These were all frighteningly fantastic! Thanks for all your entries, everybody! I hope a Happy Halloween was had by everyone with plenty of tricks, treats, and laughs! We hope these pumpkins gave you a good laugh or two and, as always, thanks for reading!
- John

A Hair-Raising Read

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Hey, Scare Enthusiasts!

Keep the spirit of Halloween alive within the spooky walls of our Seasonal Halloween trunks. These trunks are great for safekeeping all your Halloween decorations but it’s an eye-drawing piece of decorative furniture as well. Keep it out in your hallway or at the front door for Trick or Treaters to see!

And when the season comes to its close, you can pack up all your fake spider webs and lawn ghouls and trick or treat baskets and pumpkin-carving tools and keep them organized in one, tidy trunk! These Seasonal Trunks are sure to frighten your friends and family (especially your baby brother or baby sister)!

Made of heavy-duty birch plywood, these ever-watchful, harvest-spirited camp trunks contain cats, bats, goblins, and ghouls of colossal creepiness as well as cuteness featured on our DuraShell exterior with an extremely scary and high-definition print UV-cured directly onto it! It's pretty cool.

Our Seasonal Trunks are the same size as our best-selling Happy Camper trunk and they include the same high-quality metal hardware to keep the lid securely shut. Use the trunk for day camp, Halloween storage, Fall décor, and more. The Creep Show Designer Trunk also includes extra wide handles on the sides to make carrying your ghoulish goodies even easier.

Keep your cavernous trunk neat and orderly by snagging a Grab a Glide & Go Tray and LidMate Organizer. The accessory organizers are perfect for pairing with your trunk to bring some order to the chaos. If this trunk doesn’t scare you too much, go ahead and order a Seasonal Trunk for yourself today… I DARE you! You can get a closer look when you click right here. Happy Halloween! And, as always, thanks for reading!


- John

A Look Behind the Scenes

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Hey, Camp Folks!

Our website is our home. We invite our customers in to browse around and enjoy any time spent in our store; naturally, we want the place looking nice. And we’re always improving. Our photography is one of the best means of showing you the camping gear we offer in its natural habitat—summer camp! To do this, we work together with Kamp Kenwood, a local camp that’s just a 20-minute drive from our workplace in Boyd, Wisconsin.

Kamp Kenwood is a gorgeous camp that sits alongside Lake Wissota. We brought a couple of photographers out there and a bunch of summer camp-age children to recreate the summer camp scene. Let’s take a look behind the scenes of the Everything Summer Camp 2022 photo shoot!

The Directors
We’ve done photo shoots a handful of times—the last time being in 2017 and this season we decided it was time for a fresher look. This photo shoot was at least a month in the making with all the planning involved. Our Graphic Artist Amy, the Shipping Manager Anita, Vice President Mark, and myself worked together to brainstorm all the different shots we wanted and

Anita and Amy went up and down the aisles picking out product that we wanted to bring along, ironed out all the apparel we brought, and got trunks packed and boxed up. All in all it was about a week-long process to think of everything and get it all packed up!

The Photographers
Davin and Imani were our two photographers. Davin is the brother of our Marketplace Manager Drew and Imani has been summer help for a handful of years at Everything Summer Camp. Imani has been developing her passion in photography since she can recall.

Davin told me he bought his first camera about a decade ago to capture sports photography when his brother’s started playing sports. He’s been slowly building his collection of photography equipment with some rather intimidating apparatuses with him for proper lighting techniques as well as a slew of lenses.

Drew shot a number of videos himself including an attempt to do one of our C&N Amazon livestreams off-site for the first time. Unfortunately, it couldn’t work from the remote area we were in. But they still shot a video so everyone could get a good look around at Kamp Kenwood. Check it out below. 

The Models
Amy, our Graphic Artist, had the final say on the models that we used. We had eleven, excited kids who were great at taking part in fun for the day. It got hot out there—especially for the shots around the campfire—but the kids were troopers!

We had Quinn and Raegan, our Sales Director Matt’s kids. Everyone else found us through our Facebook request. There was Amy and Shylo—sisters who often enjoy modeling for photo shoots in local parks. Another group of siblings came: Pressley, Max, and Delaney. And there was Chloe, Izaiah, Marcus, and Easton.

Our time out there was strenuous, hard work, but—thanks to everybody’s help and cooperation—we had a lot of fun out there! How could we not in such a beautiful, natural location A big thanks to Kamp Kenwood! And, as always, thanks for reading!


- John


Dollmaking 101

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Hey, Guys and Dolls!

You can enlist to do LOTS of different things during your stay at summer camp! Camps tend to offer lots of the same, more traditional activities like Archery and Zipline and typically a variety of more unique options. Perhaps the camp that you’re going to offers something you’re interested that’s a bit more unique such as Guitar Playing or Doll-Making. Let’s take a peek at the latter today and dive into the world of dolls.

The term ‘dolls’ refers to a wide variety of craft products. Most commonly thought of are probably baby doll toys. But this is just a drop in the bucket of the possibilities to what someone is referring to when they say call something a ‘doll’.

The vast majority of other types of dolls are more so along the lines of a figurine than they are a baby doll. The difference between a doll that’s made to cradle and burp is a crafted toy whereas many other styles of dolls are more like crafted collectibles. Here are a few different types of dolls you can make right home.

Who You Callin’ Mop Head?
Purchase a Mop Doll kit and follow simple instructions to make some cute dolls that are made using yarn that gets wrap around a dowel on a small base. You can put one together quickly and they are simple to make. They make for some adorable bedroom decor and toys for soft playing—they’re not action figures!

These Old Rags?
Rag dolls are another type of doll you can make that relies a bit more on your creativity, whereas Mop Dolls are more cut and dry. Like the ever-famous Raggedy Ann and Andy dolls, this duo was made of rags. These traditionally homemade figures made of cloth are typically made from and stuffed with spare scraps of material laying around the house (though a trip to a supply store can help it along).

Bottle Baby
Lastly, we have water bottle dolls. Really…it’s an anything-that-works doll. With a similar concept to the Mop Dolls that use a wooden base and dowel for the body, this idea uses a water bottle (or, as I said already—anything that will work). Add a head with a wooden bead or whatever else you have layin’ around. Throw on some pipe cleaners or paperclips for arms. Add some felt for hair or clothing. There’s really no limit to your creativity for this one!

It will help move you along with a project to check out some ideas of what other people have done but be sure to add your own creative twist on your dolls. That way, they’ll be special just to you! Have fun with these potential projects and enjoy your doll making! As always, thanks for reading, Camp Fans!


- John