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Out with the old, in with the new!

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Hey, Camp Fans!

The times they are a-changin’, but here, at Everything Summer Camp, we just roll right along with them. Summer campers ourselves at one point, we know what was cool back then and we know what’s cool now. When you stay as hip to the current trends as we do, it means continually bringing in new products.

And, when you’re always bringing in new products, things can sometimes get a little crowded in our warehouse. That’s when we know we need to create more space to make some room for everything. That’s why we’re having a monstrous clearance sale. Check out our ‘Closeouts’ category on our website to peruse over 50 products that are on clearance.Get fun camping gear on sale for up to 70% off right now at ESC

There’s absolutely nothing wrong with these products, they’re just a year or two older than other products on our site. For that reason alone, you can find products at Everything Summer Camp on discount. Get your camping gear for great deals ranging from 20% – 70% off and save yourself lots of cash!

Better act fast too! There’s no telling when this sale will end. This clearance sale will continue until the discount products are all sold! Once our products marked for this clearance sale are gone, they’re gone for good. We will not be ordering more of these products, so get them while you still can!

From swimwear to water bottles to footwear and bedding, stock is limited (very limited on some items). So if you see something you like, grab it up quick—it might just be the last one on our shelves! Get great deals Get great products like duffel bags for cheap thanks to ESC's Clearance Saleon great products like the Overnight Duffel Bag and the Go Big Duffel Bag. Half of their regular price, this is one clearance sale of which you definitely want to take advantage.

Go NUTS and, as always, thanks for reading!


- John

Did someone say ‘vacuum’?

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Hey, Science Students!

Today is Create a Vacuum Day. This task is extremely involved and challenging. And, despite the fact that I wouldn’t expect or even encourage anyone to try creating their own homemade vacuum chamber, I DO believe it’s a subject that, at least, warrants a Blog post’s worth of discussion. With the proper know-how and hook ups, you can turn any glass jar into a vacuum chamber.

However, before we move on to what a vacuum chamber is, I want to quickly define what ‘space’ is. I’m not talking about space as in the final frontier, but more so, space, like the stuff that you take up (which isn’t really any different than outer space). Space is something that stuff inhabits—or DOESN’T inhabit.

I inhabit space. You inhabit space. My sister’s Chihuahua inhabits a considerably smaller amount of space. And when you travel from point A to point B, you’re traveling THROUGH space.

Okay, now let’s ask, what is a vacuum chamber?

No, it’s not some accessory on your Hoover or Dirt Devil (though this is where ‘vacuum’ cleaners get their name). A vacuum chamber is typically a jar of some sort that has been sealed up with nothing inside of it. And when I say ‘nothing’ I mean NOT a THING!
An empty jar of pickles can quickly become a vacuum chamber.
If I ask you to imagine a jar of nothing, what do you think of? A jar that’s been emptied of all the pickles and pickle juice (or whatever else) that was previously stored inside the jar? Yeah, some people might consider this an empty jar. But a vacuum chamber takes it one step further and empties the jar of AIR! It may seems excessive, but air, while invisible and virtually weightless, certainly is SOMEthing.

A vacuum chamber holds truly EMPTY space. Now that I’ve explained what a vacuum chamber is, you might ask what’s the point in creating one? Well, the fact is things behave differently in a vacuum than they do in the atmospheric world that we know and love. Among other strange phenomena, sound doesn’t exist!

Happy Create a Vacuum Day and, as always, thanks for reading.


- John


Need some help stayin’ dry?

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Hey, Rainy Day People!

As Spring weather approaches, it may inspire a good cleaning indoors; but really, there’s nothing CLEAN about this season at all. This time of year, the world is typically a wet, sloppy, muddy mess! Now that we’re beginning to venture further into 2015, we’ll soon be witnessing the slow retreat of this past winter unfold. BOY—is it going to be wet!

The old adage notes that it is APRIL showers that bring May flowers; but, really, it’s common enough for it to rain in February and March as well. Because FebruMade with lassic material, water droplets cannot pass thorugh the material's pores.ary has now begun, now is a smart time to get your raingear ready.

You’re in luck since Everything Summer Camp just added new raingear from Frogg Toggs!

Introducing the Youth Polly Wogg Rain Suits from Frogg Toggs. Those rainy days don’t have to be about dull days stuck indoors—not with this rain suit, anyway! Get out there and puddle it up in this rain suit made of lassic material from Frogg Toggs. Snug around the ankles, arms, and waist—and equipped with a full hood—the rain doesn’t stand a chance at getting you wet.

We’ve also recently added the Ultra-Lite2 Rain Suit from Frogg Toggs. Constructed from Frogg Toggs’ specially designed, lightweight, breathable, waterproof, nonwoven, recyclable material, the Ultra-Lite2 Rain Suit is just the thing to keep your adventurous camper dry in what can sometimes be a very wet world.

Despite lassic material’s excellent breathability, its pores are 20,000 times smaller than a droplet of water. That means it’s literally impossible for rain to get through. Easy to pack, these suits compress down to the size of a storage pocket!

Stay dry this season with the Ultra-Lite2 Rain Suit or the Youth Polly Wogg and protect yourself against our wet planet! As always, thanks for reading.


- John

Leave a message!

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Hey, Phone Fans!

John isn’t in right now, but if you leave your name and number at the beep, he’ll be sure to get back to you. *BEEP*
Though slightly outdated, answering machine messages are still  alive and well today.
Seriously though, today is a good day to record a funny, pranking, or absurd answering machine message since it’s National Inane Answering Machine Message Day. Depending on what generation you’re from, you may be more familiar with the (more-or-less) synonymous term, ‘voicemail message’ since cell phones no longer require answering machines that are separate from the phone.

While cell/smartphones certainly seem to be phasing out the landline home phone, many families still own landline telephones and use an answering machine as the phone’s trusty sidekick. Answering machine messages can be as simple as,

“Leave a message and we’ll return your call as soon as we can,”

or as elaborate as,

“Hello! You’ve reached the Wattersons. We’re sorry none of us were able to come to the phone right now, but leave a message for Sharon and David, Michael, Bobby, Sarah, or Sue—*Woof Woof* Haha! OR Spot—and we’ll be sure to return your call as soon as possible.” Leave a message at the tone. *BEEP*A good prank—and one that’s gotten me more than a couple times—is ‘answering the phone’ within the voicemail message. For instance, you record for your message, “Hello?….Who is this?….How did you get this number?” The idea is that, if it’s done well, the caller will start talking to the voicemail message. I know I’VE responded to these messages more than once!

I’ve creatively crafted my own voicemail message to lead people to think that I’m much more important than I actually am. It goes something like this: “John knows what devastating disappointment it must cause you to learn that he is unavailable to come to the phone right now. But if you leave your name and number, he will know that you have called.”

Maybe you ought to rerecord your voicemail or answering machine message today to give it a little flare! Happy Inane Answering Machine Message Day! As always, thanks for reading!


- John

Where does this piece go?

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Hey, Puzzle People!

Today is the perfect day to bust out the puzzles and start separating the frame piecespuzzle pieces are very iconic shapes—it’s National Puzzle Day! A great way to pass the time on a chilly day in January, people LOVE jigsaw puzzles. Strengthening visual acuity as well as pattern recognition, puzzles are advantageous in more than one way. They were originally designed as educational tools, actually.

First made in the 1760’s by a mapmaker from London, named John Spilsbury, one day he put one of his maps up on a sheet of hardwood and cut out the countries. Spilsbury immediately recognized the usefulness this could have for means of education. It didn’t take schools very long to catch on to the genius of teaching children their geography by having them put together puzzles.

Puzzle-maps are a great way to learn geography.I still remember learning my states and capitals with a simple puzzle-map of the United States. Somehow, placing the position of a state myself really locked its location in my memory. It was a great method by which to learn geography.

Jigsaw puzzles stayed true to their original purpose for nearly 60 years. It wasn’t until sometime around the 1820’s that puzzles started breaking free of their educational shell, and by the 1880’s, a different style of jigsaw puzzles arrived on the market. Up until this point, most puzzles were made on plywood with the image glued or painted on the front and the pencil tracings (to show where to cut) on the back.

Puzzle pieces come in all shapes and sizes. They first came as cardboard in the 30's. The late 1800’s brought about a jigsaw puzzle that was constructed from cardboard—pretty much what we all think of when we think of a jigsaw puzzle. However, despite its eventual success, manufacturers predicted that wooden puzzles weren’t budging from their place on top and that customers wouldn’t want something as cheap as a cardboard puzzle.

Of course, the cardboard puzzles only sold for 25¢ while the wooden ones sold for $1.00 and, back in the days of The Great Depression, people were looking to spend as little as possible. Cardboard or not, puzzles offered inexpensive hours and hours of entertainment.

They still do today, which is all the more reason to get one out now! Happy Puzzle Day, Everyone. As always, thanks for reading!


- John