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Repel to Reduce Insect Irritation!

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Hey, Camp Fans!

It’s our mission here at Everything Summer Camp to help you in every way we can in sending your kids off to summer camp. Just like you, we want to ensure that they are fully prepared and ready to get the most out of the summer camp experience that lies before them. That’s why we’re proud to carry some of the best names in camping gear to give you confidence while you shop and quality while at camp. Repel those pesky bugs with Repel!

Not just a pesky reality of summer camp, but the great outdoors in general—insects have a tendency to ruin a party. Don’t let it happen. One of the best ways to protect against insects is by wearing insect repellent when venturing into the summer wilderness. For uncompromised protection and safety where it counts, there are few better brands of insect repellent than Repel.

In addition to being a general annoyance, many insect pests can also spread disease, turning them from pesky nuisance to an invasive danger. It’s important to take the necessary protective measures when you head into buggy areas whether you’re hanging out in your backyard or hiking through the deep woods.

Repel brand’s complete line of insect repellents are designed specifically for sportsmen and their families to fit any activity or terrain. Offering a variety of all-natural products as well as chemical-employed alternatives, Repel has you covered with kid-safe and high-performing products to keep the bugs away.

You can also find different sizes and levels of effectiveness, like the portable pen-size spray bottle, right here on Repel’s Brand Page on our Main Site.

Repel products are manufactured by United Industries Corporation—a leading manufacturer of value brand consumer products for the lawn & garden care and insect control.

Outdoor enthusiasts have made Repel the number one brand of insect protection in the sporting goods market. Repel is an excellent choice for any summer camper looking to stay protected from insects this summer. Order your Repel Insect Repellent by clicking here at Everything Summer Camp today and, as always, thanks for reading!


- John

Check Out Real Kids Shades

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Hey, Camp Fans!

We work with so many great people here at Everything Summer Camp, which is why we like to use this Blog as a platform every now and again to express our gratitude toward the awesome companies with whom we’ve formed excellent relationships! Today, we’re swinging our Vendor Spotlight over to shine on the stylish Real Kids Shades.

Slip on a pair of Real Kids Shades Glide when the summer sun is shining bright! Helping protect kids' eyes since 2002!Around since 2002, Real Kids Shades has quickly developed and strengthened their reputation with their durable and protective products. These sunglasses, available in both, boys’ and girls’ styles, keep your eyes safe behind 100% UV lenses.Starting out with a simple mission, Real Kids Shades promised affordable, high-quality, 100% UV protective sunglasses designed for kids. And in their 16 years of business, they’ve grown to offer multiple sizes to provide a proper fit and protect kids from infancy to 12 years old.

All their shades are manufactured from top-of-the-line, durable materials so they’re sure to provide a long-lasting product—after all, kids and the summer camp lifestyle have a tendency to be a little rough on camp gear and other supplies.

We’re delighted to offer Real Kids Shades’ products on our one-stop camping gear shop. We offer the Girl’s Breeze Sunglasses, available in an assortment of cool colors to complement your clothing. And we also offer Boy’s Bolt Sunglasses with two-tone coloring for a super-cool look!

Enjoy those brilliant days at camp with a pair of Real Kids Shades, found on the Everything Summer Camp main site! You can get a closer look at the girls shades by clicking here and check out the cool-looking shades for boys by clicking here. Make sure you’ve got your sunglasses for those bright, sun-shiny camp days and, as always, thanks for reading!

- John

I’m No O2 Fool!

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Hey, Camp Fans!

We work with so many great people here at Everything Summer Camp, it’s important to us to use this Blog as a platform from time to time so we can share our gratitude toward the awesome companies with whom we’ve formed excellent relationships! And today, we’re fixing our Vendor Spotlight on the Chicago, Illinois area to shine our gratitude on O2 Cool, the cooling products company!

Keep yourself cool with this O2 Cool tool!O2 Cool was started over 25 years ago in 1992 by a woman named Linda M. Usher. She set out to launch this company with the mission to develop and market portable, battery-operated fans. And now, the ultimate leaders in the personal cooling industry, O2 Cool has established themselves as the trusted brand name when it comes to staying cool on those summer scorchers when they get to be too much!

Our selection of O2 Cool Fans gives you three desktop fans to choose from as well as the Water-Misting Fan—the finest portable fan around. We see how cool these fans are and so do a lot of camps all across the country! You can be sure that many of O2 Cool’s customer accounts are made up of camps! You can check out the fans available on our website by clicking here.

Fans make your camp memories perfect with a cool breeze in the summer heat to provide relief on those bright, sunny days. Get the Deluxe Water Misting Fan for the most efficient way of cooling off. They’re great for a kid on a hot day! We knew we had to offer fans as cool as these on our store online. Have a blast at camp and stay cool with O2 Cool cooling products! And, as always, thanks for reading!


- John


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Hey, Avid Readers!

We’re sure to offer a satisfying book selection for all the summer camp kids who just can’t stop turning the page. We have our ‘Great Titles’ section which includes a couple books under the ‘Vampire Academy’ series. And it also has a couple children’s books about camp by Elliot Sloyer. We also offer the ‘Camp Confidential’ collection in its current entirety. And—who could forget—we have a great selection of the childhood favorite, the ‘Choose Your Own Adventure’ series.Read a book and choose how it goes!

The only books where the plot relies on the reader’s choices, Choose Your Own Adventure Books have been an ongoing classic book series since 1979! They got their start back then by a man named Ray Montgomery who got the seed of the idea for his book series during his time as a summer camp counselor at Pine Island in Maine. It was there that he first realized how essential interaction was for kids in the learning process.

After his days as a counselor, he established his own summer school to introduce kids to similar activities that he imparted at Pine Island. And with time came his idea for an interactive book series as well! After Ray passed away, the family thought of licensing the series to a new publisher, but eventually decided to reissue the series themselves. In 2006, they founded Chooseco to re-publish the series.

Through these books, children’s imaginations enter worlds of intriguingly interactive tales in science fiction, fantasy, and adventure where the ending depends on your decisions throughout. Choose Your Own Adventure books make a great ‘reread’ too since the story can end up entirely different! Perfect for a rainy day or reading in bed before ‘lights out’, have your pick from our excellent array of adventures in this book series which can be found by clicking here. And, as always, thanks for reading!


- John

Excellent Camp Equipment from Lewis N. Clark

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Hey, Camp Fans!

We here at Everything Summer Camp do everything we can to help you send your camper off fully prepared and ready to get the most out of the summer camp experience. While we pride ourselves greatly on the footlocker trunks that are expertly manufactured right here in our factory, we’re also proud of our awesome camping gear selection. Consisting of great brand names like Wenzel, Outdoor Products, and Coghlan’s, you can find the best quality camping gear right here.

Lewis N. Clark makes amazing camping equipment!Another company whose products we are pleased to have available on our website is Lewis N. Clark. Their story begins all the way back in 1803 when a group of voyagers journeyed off into the uncharted wilderness on an expedition to explore the new land acquired after the Louisiana Purchase.

The inspiration of these great pioneering spirits have reached out through the echoes of time and influenced the construction of the gear and accessories crafted by this 30-year-old outfit. Boasting an excellent assortment of duffels along with other great travel accessories, Lewis N. Clark has been all about making inventive gear to bring their consumers comfort, security, and organizational aid ever since their start in 1990.

Look for Lewis N. Clark when it’s your time to embark on adventures big and small and discover the expansive world around you. Have your pick from a range of their Uncharted Duffel Bag sizes along with useful accessories like a Flashlight Clock, Silicone Travel Cup, and more. Be prepared for your summer camp outings with awesome gear and other camping supplies you can depend on from Lewis N. Clark!

Make the best memories possible when you head off on your expeditions and check out our excellent Lewis N. Clark selection at Everything Summer Camp by clicking here. And, as always, thanks for reading.


- John