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You Better Believe it's Boxing Day!

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Hey, Boxers!

One thing that always rings true when you see it in these post-Christmas days reminds us all of our wild imaginations and playful mindset in our earliest of years. The Christmas holiday brings gifts and with the gifts come boxes. And no matter the size of our imaginations, the bigger the box, the better. It’s a familiar sight to any adult—children every year, despite all the new gifts they recently unwrapped, can never resist the temptation of crawling into those walls of corrugation and using the box itself as their newest favorite toy.They're doing amazing things with corrugation nowadays.

Today is the day after Christmas which we call Boxing Day. Recognized in many commonwealth nations like Canada, England, South Africa, and others, Boxing Day in today’s world is essentially an extended Christmas Day—a day to check out the presents that you unwrapped yesterday.

There’s not actually much to it. It’s kind of a day for being lazy, keeping cozy, and wondering, “What now?” Though it seems right up our alley, the U.S. does not celebrate this holiday—but you can go ahead and stick to traditions anyway if you don’t have anything else to do!

Take today to watch some movies, play a board game with your family, or curl up comfortably and escape into a good book! It’s good to be mindful of it and enjoy staying in on these winter days before the time comes when we need to return to that normal daily grind!  

I’ve always felt that the day after Christmas Day delivers a giant letdown on a scale immeasurable. It feels so empty compared to the bursting anticipation we feel on Christmas Eve. So, in my opinion, that feeling is the epitome of Boxing Day. It’s a day to really relish in our regret of a celebration past. Only, rather than wishing to return to those fun celebrations, let’s just think of the fun memories and look forward to the time this season rolls around again!

Till next time, Readers! Happy Boxing Day and, as always thanks for reading!


- John

Posted in Random Thoughts


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