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Who’s the Next Lucky Camper? See Who Won $50 Today!

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Hey, Camp Fans!

As summer winds down, it’s always a little bittersweet, but here at Everything Summer Camp, we’re thrilled to continue our beloved ‘Share Your Camp Story’ Contest! This year, your incredible submissions brought us great stories, big laughs, and sweet moments. Today, we’re excited to announce our third $50 winner…

Harper L.! Dive into her story about her first adventure at Camp Seafarer right now! 

Check out Harper's handwritten letter right here on today's Everything Summer Camp Blog post.

Click here for an enlarged view of Harper's Letter.

“On the first day of camp , I was really nervous whether I was going to make friends or not because it was my first. When I said goodbye to my parents, the girls invited me to go sit with them. Later that day, I made so many new friends. I was focused on my goal to get my alpha the next morning. I got my first three ranks that day and part of my outboard operator. For my first day at camp I was glad that I had so many new friend to spend time with. The highlights of the twelve days at camp were so much more than highlights. My CILT (Camper In Leadership Training) Katie Worth was the best! She was so nice every day for the whole 2 weeks. Throughout the days my cabin was nothing but nice.

One day when I got sick and was at the nurse’s for a few hours, I saw my cabin mates right outside and, as soon as they saw me they asked if I was okay. It was also the 3rd of July. This was one of the best nights in our cabin. We all got dressed in our 4th of July clothes and we all sung while we painted our faces with American Flags. Our midnight party was also amazing! All of our amazing counselors and CILT acted like they didn’t know what it was. But then they acted even more weird about it than the other day and that’s when we knew. When they woke us up it was the best! There was Oreos, icing, pretzels, goldfish, and cookies!

We had so much fun that night and even after we had it the counselors still acted weird! Another fun part of camp is when I went to go play Pickleball with my friends Emma and Tempie. It was so funny because we kept missing the shots! Cabin nights, camp nights, and movie nights were also really fun. It was so much fun watching the diver and water ballet. Everything in camp was just so much fun and I can’t wait to go back!”


Get a good look at Camp Seafarer for your next summer adventure!
What an incredible first camp experience you had, Harper! It's great to hear how quickly you made friends and jumped right into all the fun activities, like earning your first three ranks and working on your outboard operator skills. Your CILT, Katie Worth, sounds amazing, along with all your cabin mates! That’s sweet that they were concerned when you weren’t feeling well. The 4th of July celebrations and your secret midnight party sound like awesome times!


Thank you so much for sharing your fantastic camp story with us, and we’re thrilled you’re already excited to go back next year! If you’re interested in attending Camp Seafarer, check it out by clicking right here. Come on back tomorrow for another winning summer camp story we’ll be sharing right here on the Blog. And, as always, thanks for reading, Camp Fans!


- John


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