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Who's Taking Home the Next $50 Prize?

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Hey, Beautiful Camp People!

The moment you’ve been waiting for is here—we’re revealing the winners of our ‘Share Your Camp Story’ Contest right here on the blog! Check back every weekday to see if you’re one of the lucky ones. This year’s entries brought us more stories, more giggles, and endless fun! And now, let’s cheer for our second $50 prize winner—congrats to…

Amy G.! Read her submission right now…

Everyone has a great time when they head off to Birch Trail Camp!

“I have seen movies like ‘The Parent Trap’ and ‘Indian Summer’ and ‘Camp Nowhere’ (I am clearly a 90's kid)....always envisioning what a sleep away camp looked like through the eyes of film. I saw friendships being made, silly games played, food fights, and swimming races as main parts of a summer away. Fast forward 20 plus years later and I am now signing my daughter up for her fourth summer away in Northern Wisconsin. I did not experience the joys of overnight camp the way my children was not a ‘thing’ where I am from, but boy do I wish I was part of that tribe. There is something to be said about sending a child away for 4 or 8 weeks, with little communication and all the trust in the world that they will be okay without their family to care for them. Only to wait and get the letters that ramble on about the new things tried, or the photos of smiles upon smiles and new things accomplished, or reading the emails about the traditions that take place year after year. My daughter leaves for camp excited to go and comes home wishing she had more time....she is a camper, an explorer, an adventurer, a sailor and a girl who loves Birch Trail more than anything. And I am a mom who wishes she could turn back time and be a kid again so I can ask my parents if I can go to overnight camp in the North Woods.”


Take part in the traditions of Birch Trail Camp for Girls!

Awesome, Amy! Your letter definitely captures the magic of summer camp! Your excitement for your daughter’s adventures at Birch Trail is palpable! How great that she loved her experience at camp. I love the picture you painted of receiving those letters filled with her stories of adventure and seeing all the smiles in the photos. It’s clear she’s found her tribe and it’s heartwarming to see how much joy it brings you as a parent.

Thanks for sharing this beautiful reflection on camp life—it truly sounds like a special experience for the both of you!

If you're curious to learn more about Birch Trail Camp, just click right here to explore! Don’t forget to check back tomorrow as we reveal the third $50 winner of our ‘Share Your Camp Story’ Contest. Could it be you? If your story is chosen, keep an eye on your inbox—you’ll get an email with your gift certificate code after we announce all the winners. Thanks for tuning in, and good luck!


- John


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