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A New Season of Summer Camp Stories...

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Hey, Camp Story Lovers!

As summer fades into fall, we love looking back at all the amazing memories you’ve made. That’s why we’re thrilled to continue our tradition of the ‘Share Your Camp Story’ Contest here at Everything Summer Camp! This year, we're giving away ten prizes worth $50, $100, $200, and the grand prize of $300! Today, we're excited to announce our first $50 winner.

Congratulations to Eli S.! Eli had an unforgettable summer at Camp Tevya and he’s kicking off our winner announcements with a $50 prize! Dive into his fun-filled camp story right now...

Eli S. says Camp Trevya is a blast. But you don't have to take his word for it!

“My name is Eli and I am eight and a half years old. I go to the best camp ever, Camp Tevya. This was my first year going. Camp Tevya is so special because my dad and a lot of my family went there in the past, and now my cousins and I go there.

Camp Tevya is in the woods of Brookline, N.H. and it is really pretty. My favorite part of camp was Lake Potanipo. I love sailing on the lake. There are so many activities every day, including fishing and athletics. I also learned how to play newcomb. I made so many new friends inside and outside of my bunk and we did A LOT of silly things. My counselors were also so nice.

I was sad to leave at the end of camp even though I was also happy to come home. I cannot wait to come back next summer and see all my friends and do more fun activities. Camp Tevya is the best camp in the world.”


Camp Tevya is a great summer camp! Check out Eli's account on today's Blog post of summer camp stories from Everything Summer Camp's 'Share Your Camp Story' Contest.

Hi Eli! It sounds like you had an amazing first summer at Camp Tevya! It’s really cool that you’re continuing a family tradition by going to the same camp as your dad and cousins—what a great way to make even more memories together! Lake Potanipo must have been a blast, especially learning to sail and trying out new activities like fishing and newcomb.

We love hearing how much fun you had with your friends and all the silly things you did together. Sounds like, for you, Camp Tevya really is the best camp ever. Thanks for sharing your fantastic camp experience with us, Eli! Enjoy the anticipation until next camp season rolls around!

For anybody else who wants the kind of experience Eli had, check out Camp Tevya for your next summer adventure. In the meantime, come on back tomorrow when we announce our next winner! Once our winners have been announced they’ll receive an email with your gift certificate code. As always, thanks for reading, Camp Folks!


- John


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