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How Well Can You See in the Dark?

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Hey, Camp Fans!

We strive to carry the best brands of the best products for all the camping gear we carry here at Everything Summer Camp. That’s why we’re sharp on scouting for the newest trending brand names. We look for brand names that stand out like the innovative brand called Nite Ize. These leaders in the lighting industry question what a flashlight really needs to be.

Endowed with resourceful and creative minds, this company introduces new ideas to practical products for people who lead active lifestyles—perfect for the routines that keep kids on their feet at summer camp.

The idea first hit the founder of Nite Ize, Rick Case, when he was hiking a mountain with a friend and their poor quality headlights from the 80’s started to fail them in the darkness of the wee hours of the morning. Luckily, Rick remembered a small flashlight he had in his pocket. He took it out and held up to the side of his head.

These flashsticks are great for summer camp convenience!That’s when he had the thought, “Why not just turn this into a headlamp?”

When Rick first launched Nite Ize, it certainly saw humble beginnings. It was 1989 when the company first started their operation, working from a small cabin—only 500 square feet somewhere off away in the mountains of Boulder, Colorado.

But this company grew itself quickly and has made a name for themselves in the less-than-30 years that they’ve been around. They proudly developed their business, making an addition to their initial facility. They now have another building in Boulder—their 90,000 square foot Global Distribution Center.Nite Ize Flashlights are crazy powerful!

Creating quality products with a healthy glow—Nite Ize can brighten the darkness at summer camp! And we’re happy to supply our customers with the 3 in 1 LED FlashStick as well as the 3 in 1 LED Flashlight from this excellent brand name. Check out this flashlight and glowstick and, as always, thanks for reading!


- John

Burt the Beekeeper

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Hey, Camp Fans!

Everything Summer Camp—we’re the home of C&N Footlockers. And while we pride ourselves on the nearly indestructible footlocker trunks we manufacture, right here out of Boyd, Wisconsin, we’re also proud to carry all of the quality products that we do from trusted brand names like Columbia, Woolrich, and Kelty. Another excellent brand you can find on our online shop is Burt’s Bees!
The logo for the company he and his bees started.
Burt’s Bees is the story of a man, Burt, and his bees. It’s about as simple as that. Except for the fact that Burt was no businessman, yet, along with his bees, Burt was creating a high quality product that was meant for the world to enjoy. Instead, he was selling his honey to friends and locals. After all, Burt had no idea how a simple apiarist like himself could reach the masses.

Enter Roxanne Quimby. Burt’s Bees was born when this artist from Maine, met Burt Shavitz who was tending to his beehives. They became fast friends and she was thrilled one day when Burt generously gifted her leftover beeswax from his hives for candle making. She added a few key ingredients and quickly had a sellaBurt's Personal Care Productsble product.

Roxanne’s candles led to a plethora of personal care products such as the infamous Burt’s Bees Lip Balm and the Herbal Insect Repellent, both of which can be found right here. Burt’s Bees took off with wild popularity and success beyond Burt’s wildest dreams!

Featuring kid-safe, quality products that are perfect for skin care at summer camp as well as the one and only, iconic Burt himself who stars as the company logo, grab these kid-friendly and chemical-free products for your camper during their camp stay this summer. For more information on the startup of Burt’s Bees, check out the video below and, as always, thanks for reading!


- John

Smartwool for smart feet!

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Hey, Camp Fans!

Here at Everything Summer Camp we pride ourselves in the quality products that we offer. Of course, we take full credit when it comes to the C&N Footlocker trunks that we manufacture ourselves ever since our humble beginnings, but we give absolute credit to those whose quality products we offer on our online shop.These beauties from Smartwool are now here at ESC!

Last week, I posted about the nine pairs of Smartwool socks we’re now offering. Smartwool makes their socks of Merino Wool (the preferred sheep’s wool to use) because their socks are the best. You can now find Smartwool socks for Women and Kids at Everything Summer Camp as well as socks that are meant for the varied adventures that you’re sure to have throughout your summer camp stay.

Smartwool’s manufacturing process is an interesting one as it doesn’t start in a warehouse or laboratory. It begins somewhere in the mountains of New Zealand when, one day, the herds of sheep there get a haircut. Smartwool shears 300,000 sheep per year. Coming off the sheep greasy, the wool is cleaned, combed, and spun into yarn which is then made into amazing Smartwool products like SOCKS!The grazing merino are happy sheep.

These guys use Merino sheep wool—the preferred sheep wool because of its unmatched comfort and softness. Merino sheep whose wool goes to Smartwool, live happy, peaceful lives in their natural habitat. Smartwool knows that happy sheep will make for unparalleled wool and thus and unparalleled product. Happy sheep = happy customers.

The people at SThis here is a drawing of a happy sheepmartwool are smart. Not only about the way they make their products, but also the relationships they form with their business partners. They only work with a select group of businesses that they trust. It’s an honor for Everything Summer Camp to offer their amazing socks on our summer camp store. Check out their fun website and learn another thing or two about Smartwool.

You can learn more about Smartwool right here and, as always, thanks for reading.


- John

When it’s quarter to four and there’s a knock at your door…

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Hey, Camp Fans!

What do you get when you shine a bright UV light on your brush and all those germs that like to hang out on the bristle’s of your brush when you’re not using it? Answer: a clean toothbrush. Check out what Violife has been up to for the last 10 years and learn about their innovative, high-quality products available here at Everything Check out Violife's innovative products.Summer Camp.

Violife got their start a little over a decade ago in 2004. Like the early beginnings of Everything Summer Camp, they offered only one product when they first got started: the Original Countertop Sanitizer. This product came about when Violife and Philippe Starck, a world-famous designer, joined forces.

Thanks to a delicate balance of fashion and function, this toothbrush holder does so much more than hold your toothbrush! It CLEANS it! That’s right. Using UV light, it actually kills off 99.9% of germs that are living on the bristles of your brush. By the next year, this product won the desired Industrial Designers Society of America Gold Award.

One amazingly portable brush that always stays cleanSince then, Violife has expanded their oral care products with travel toothbrush holders, denture, cleaners, mouth guard cleaners. They also developed the world’s very first UV Cell Phone Sanitizer and then, directly after that, created the Slim Sonic Toothbrush, one of the two Violife toothbrushes that we offer.

The Slim Sonic is the most convenient and stylin’ toothbrush on the market. Vibrating at more than three times the speed of the fastest electric toothbrush, the Slim Sonic is the very first portable, battery-operated brush. It comes in a cool, colorful, compact case with a vented mascara-style cap so you can carry this with you wherever you go. We also carry Violife’s stylish Personal Travel Toothbrush. Violife's amazing travel toothbrushViolife is the quickest, easiest, and most efficient method of keeping your brush clean after use. Wear your best smile, campers. And, as always, thanks for reading.


- John

Read About A Great Company-Triple T

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Hey, Blog Buddies!

Here at Everything Summer Camp, we don’t like to brag which is why we talk up and praise the names whose products we offer instead. And today, we have QUITE the name to talk about—the number one leader in recreational outdoor footwear—Triple T, parent company of the Northside brand.northside cheyenne jr

Based in Marysville, Washington Triple T Trading was founded in 1985 (two years prior to the very beginnings of Everything Summer Camp). And in their near-30 years of operation, they’ve made quite an impact in the world of footwear.

The way Triple T sees it, people of all ages should be able to enjoy being out in nature, no matter what the time of year may be. I think most people see it that way too.

That’s why Northside was created, as their tagline indicates—‘just for fun.’ This footwear is made to stand up to all the elements nature has to offer. So no matter where you are or what season it is, you can have your fun in the outdoors.

Whether you’re interested in winter boots, hiking shoes, flip-flops, or sport sandals, all kinds of footwear from Northside are made with the same rugged and reliable construction.

Triple T Trading is a family-owned and family-operated business which is why they feel like their partners should consider themselves an addition to their “brand-family” of Triple T. On behalf of Everything Summer Camp, the feeling is mutual.

Find a great assortment of Northside footwear available at Everything Summer Camp. We’re delighted to carry such quality products from such a great name!


- John