Hey, Camp Fans!
Here at Everything Summer Camp we pride ourselves in the quality products that we offer. Of course, we take full credit when it comes to the C&N Footlocker trunks that we manufacture ourselves ever since our humble beginnings, but we give absolute credit to those whose quality products we offer on our online shop.
Last week, I posted about the nine pairs of Smartwool socks we’re now offering. Smartwool makes their socks of Merino Wool (the preferred sheep’s wool to use) because their socks are the best. You can now find Smartwool socks for Women and Kids at Everything Summer Camp as well as socks that are meant for the varied adventures that you’re sure to have throughout your summer camp stay.
Smartwool’s manufacturing process is an interesting one as it doesn’t start in a warehouse or laboratory. It begins somewhere in the mountains of New Zealand when, one day, the herds of sheep there get a haircut. Smartwool shears 300,000 sheep per year. Coming off the sheep greasy, the wool is cleaned, combed, and spun into yarn which is then made into amazing Smartwool products like SOCKS!
These guys use Merino sheep wool—the preferred sheep wool because of its unmatched comfort and softness. Merino sheep whose wool goes to Smartwool, live happy, peaceful lives in their natural habitat. Smartwool knows that happy sheep will make for unparalleled wool and thus and unparalleled product. Happy sheep = happy customers.
The people at Smartwool are smart. Not only about the way they make their products, but also the relationships they form with their business partners. They only work with a select group of businesses that they trust. It’s an honor for Everything Summer Camp to offer their amazing socks on our summer camp store. Check out their fun website and learn another thing or two about Smartwool.
You can learn more about Smartwool right here and, as always, thanks for reading.
- John