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Like Mother, Like Daughter

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Hey, Camp Fans!

The ‘Share Your Camp Story’ drawing here at Everything Summer Camp has brought in about 30 entries! It was a great response that made us eager to publish each one right here on the Blog! After our seven lucky winners, everyone else who submitted received a $15 gift certificate to our online store—so really everyone who submitted is a winner! Today’s post features Suzanne P.’s camp entry which reminisces about her magical camp stay now that her daughter is following in her footsteps at A wonderful place to go to camp...“Everything I remember about summer camp was absolutely amazing! Being nestled on the banks of Lake Fairfield for the summer was magical. I loved listening to the frogs serenade us at night and the fairies that flew by our cabins lighting up the night. When I return in the summers now with my daughter, the same magic returns. She now experiences all that Merrie Woode has to offer. One of my most precious memories was the torch coming in from the lake for opening campfire, signifying the beginning of the session. At the end of the session, I loved watching the torch go back to the lake to rest for the long winter months. Along with the torch, each camper would send a single candle onto the lake allowing the light in them to go out to the rest of world. It was a gorgeous site to see!”

Thanks again for your submission, Suzanne! Sounds like your summer camp days played a very important and memorable role in your life. It’s great to hear that your daughter is getting the same, magical summer camp experience that you had as a kid. To anyone else interested in Camp Merrie-Woode, you can check it out right here. As always, thanks for reading!


- John

Ray and Louie Caught Camp Fever!

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Hey, Camp Folks!

The Everything Summer Camp ‘Share Your Camp Story’ drawing saw an excellent response with nearly 30 entries! That’s why we’re publishing each and every one right here on the Blog! Today I’ve got two submissions ready to go from Ray M. as well as Louie B.! Their entries are both on the shorter side, but you can tell there wasn’t any shortage of fun at the camps they attended.

Here’s what Ray had to say about his stay at
“The funnest time for me at camp was when I got a black eye from a paddle stick. Not so much the black eye, but the paddle boarding. Because it was so much fun, the black eye at the end was worth it. I didn’t even cry. I paddled in the beautiful You're sure to enjoy your time at Camp Sloane!lake with my camp so-called friend. No name mentioned. JP and I became best friends at camp. We liked each other because we hung out and laughed a lot. My best friends at camp were JP and William. We were always hanging out together. We saw deer at camp while we were playing Frisbee. That was fun too. I like camp because I did a lot of activities that I usually don’t do. I’m hoping to win the dance-off next year.”

And here’s the entry from Louie B. about the time he spent at Beber Camp.
Beber Camp Rocks!!!!“My time at Beber was fun, it was the best EVER!!!!!!!!!!!! I loved camp. I stayed four weeks because it was super fun. I did the rookie 2 week trial and I was able to stay longer. I loved my hobbies. They were fun. My favorite hobbies were Aqua Park and Recording Studio. Next summer I want to try other hobbies like water skiing and sailing. I love Beber Camp. So much FUN!!!!!!!!!! I am going to go again next year. I loved that my camp was only Jewish. Shabbat was fun. One thing that they should have is Radio Tower, where you get to choose music for the camp radio. The cabins should have a radio speaker for the camp radio. Super Cool!!!!! LOVE BEBER CAMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My favorite memory from camp was a sneak out to the library to watch a movie. We snuck Gatorade and popcorn for a goodbye party to the campers in my cabin who only stayed for 2 weeks. I can’t wait to see all my new friends next year!”

Ray, I’m glad you didn’t let the black eye spoil your time at camp. Good luck on next year’s dance-off! And, Louie, sounds like you pretty much fell in love with Beber. I’m glad it was such a hit that you stayed an extra two weeks! Way to embrace the summer camp spirit! If anyone else is interested in one of these camps, you can check out Camp Sloane YMCA right here and check out Beber Camp right here! As always, thanks for reading!


- John


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Hey, Camp Fans!

The ‘Share Your Camp Story’ drawing here at Everything Summer Camp brought in almost 30 entries! What a great response—which is exactly why we’re eager to publish each one right here on the Blog! After our seven lucky winners, everyone else who submitted received a $15 gift certificate to our online store. Today’s post features Ella B.’s camp story about her physical and spiritual summer experience at

Camp Arcadia is an awesome place!“Step after step. I pause to wipe the sweat off my brow using the back of my hand. I can hear my heart pounding, feel the blood coursing through my veins. I am so close to the summit, I can feel it. But standing between me and the top of Mt. Canon is a huge, almost perfectly vertical slab of rock, it’s cold and cruel voice mocking me. I take a deep breath and start to scale the boulder in front of me, gasping as my feet suddenly lose their grip and I plummet to the ground. I latch on to a tree on the way down, my white-knuckled hand rapidly losing hold. I use all of my strength to pull myself onto a shelf in the cliff. Once I catch my breath and the immediate threat is gone, I smile, adrenaline running through me like a drug. I scramble back on to the mountain and continue up the path. As soon as I climb to my feet, I see the summit, the sweet resting place I was looking for. I rush over, and collapse. Grinning, I reach into my backpack and grab my water bottle and throw a handful of trail mix into my mouth. The view is worth it. Not a soul in sight, with only the sky and the sweet smell of pine riding across the breeze to keep you company. The clouds lazily drift across the sky like a boat in the sea. I feel so small and so big at the same time. I close my eyes and let all my worries melt away.

‘Some infinities are bigger than other infinities.’ – John Green”

Thanks again for your submission, Ella! It’s great to hear that you had such an active camp stay that provided you with a cool connection to the great outdoors! To anyone else interested in Camp Arcadia, you can check it out right here. And, as always, thanks for reading!


- John

Sophie Learned Swedish this Summer!

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Hey, Camp Fans!

The ‘Share Your Camp Story’ drawing here at Everything Summer Camp has brought in about 30 entries! It was a great response! That’s why we’re eager to publish each one right here on the Blog! After our seven lucky winners, everyone else who submitted received a $15 gift certificate to our online store—so really everyone who submitted was a winner! Today’s post features Sophie M.’s camp entry about her productive and educational summer stay at Sjolunden Swedish Language Village:You can learn to speak Swedish too!“Through Concordia College in Moorhead Minnesota, I have had the privilege to attend their Swedish Immersion Camp in Bemidji, Minnesota for six years. This past year was my first year as a high school credit student, which means I earned high school credit for my language learning. With 180 hours of instruction in Swedish, I passed with an A! After five years of being a two-week camper, I was finally a “big kid”. Sjolunden is always the most special part of my year, but this first year filled with learning, fun, and lifelong friends will always stand out in my mind. This camp is a passion, a love, and my second home. It will always be a part of me and my childhood. This camp means the world to me, and I can’t wait to be a counselor in four years! My friends from all around the world and the counselors from all around the world make it all worth it. I love my summer camp, and can’t wait to go back next year!”

Thanks again for your submission, Sophie! It’s great to hear that you are so driven to learn! I hope you have a great time next year at Sjolunden. To anyone else interested in Sjolunden Swedish Language Village, you can check it out right here. As always, thanks for reading!


- John

Flannery’s Scary Camp Encounter

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Hey, Camp Fans!

The ‘Share Your Camp Story’ drawing here at Everything Summer Camp has brought in nearly 30 entries! What a great turn out! We’re eager to publish each one right here on the Blog! After our seven lucky winners, everyone else who submitted received a $15 gift certificate to our online store—so really everyone who submitted was a winner! Today’s post features Flannery P.’s camp story about a wild encounter during her summer camp stay at
Camp DeSoto is a great camp for your summer stay!A letter from camp:

“Dear Mom and Dad,

Let me tell you a scary story.

It was a dark, stormy night. Okay, so it wasn’t actually dark, but it was raining. I had just gotten back from the overnight backpacking trip the eighth graders take that morning. We had less than an hour until supper, but I was about to leave the cabin. I picked up my raincoat that was still on my bed from backpacking. I was sticking my arm inside one of You never know what you might find at summer camp!the sleeves when I felt a little prick. Earlier, when I was unpacking the tent, I was poked by a small piece of wood, so, thinking it was just another splinter, I pulled out my arm to check. What I saw was not a woodchip, but an actual, CONFIRMED BY THE HEAD COUNSELOR, scorpion. That’s right, A SCORPION.

I dropped my jacket with the scorpion on it in horror. One of my cabin mates yelled to the head counselor, and I started to freak out, not because it hurt, but because I thought it stung me and that I was going to die. I may have overreacted a little bit, considering it didn’t actually sting me, but it’s your fault for giving me a book called ‘House of The Scorpions’ for Christmas a few years ago. And how was I supposed to know the deadly ones are only in Texas and Mexico and stuff? Anyway, I survived. Thought you might want to know.


Thanks again for your submission, Flannery! It’s great to hear that you survived your summer camp stay despite your scary encounter! I’d throw away your copy of ‘House of The Scorpions’ if I were you! To anyone else who dare attends Camp DeSoto, you can check it out right here. And, as always, thanks for reading!


- John