Hey, Camp Fans!
Your camp stories were great for the ‘Share Your Camp Story’ Contest here at Everything Summer Camp! It was such fun reading through them all. Now I’m eager to share them with our online community and post each submission right here on the Blog!
I’ve finished announcing our ten lucky winners who took larger prizes and now I’m sharing the rest of your submissions. The following post is from Emily G. who wrote in to tell us about her time at Camp Arbutus Hayo-Went-Ha. Here’s her submission:

“I was fortunate enough to have the opportunity to backpack around Isle Royale National Park for two weeks with my cabin mates. Those two weeks were the best two weeks of my entire life; I was home. Backpacking is such an important thing to me because it’s what I love most. To be surrounded by nature and with supporting companions is all I’d ever ask for in life. The biodiversity was astounding from the moose to the wildflowers. I would repeat those 115 miles in a heartbeat if given the opportunity. Hiking the Greenstone Ridge was one of my favorite experiences due to the elevation, I felt as if I was seeing the island in a way that only birds are granted. Yes, there were times when my feet ached but I didn’t care; I didn’t care because I was content with where I was and who I was with. The people that I’ve been lucky enough to become friends with are friends who will be with me for life. My camp is an environment that fosters growth and discovery; camp is a place where I love to be and I long for those days with my whole heart.”
What a truly breathtaking experience, Emily. I love the “bird’s eye view” you got of the island. How cool! I love hiking too so maybe I’ll have to check out the Greenstone Ridge sometime! You make it sound pretty magical. Thanks for this great submission, Emily! If anyone else would like to check out Camp Arbutus Hayo-Went-Ha closer, you can do so by clicking right here. As always, thanks for reading!
- John