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Celebrating Flag Day at Summer Camp

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Hey, Flag-Flyin’ Folks!

Flag Day, observed annually on June 14th, holds a special place in the hearts of Americans as a day to commemorate the adoption of the United States flag. While often overlooked compared to other patriotic holidays, Flag Day serves as a reminder of the enduring values and principles symbolized by the Stars and Stripes.

For many, Flag Day coincides with the start of summer camp season, where campers gather to celebrate the spirit of community and unity. At summer camp, the flag becomes a focal point of daily rituals, from raising it at sunrise to lowering it at sunset. Campers proudly recite the Pledge of Allegiance, reinforcing their connection to their country and each other.

Raising the flag is tradition at summer camp.

Throughout history, the American flag has served as a beacon of hope and resilience, inspiring generations to uphold the ideals of freedom, justice, and equality. At summer camp, campers learn the importance of these values through activities that promote teamwork, leadership, and camaraderie. Whether participating in flag-raising ceremonies, engaging in outdoor adventures, or sharing stories around the campfire, campers forge lasting memories while honoring the symbol of their nation.

Kids practice honorable handling of the flag at summer camp.

Flag Day also offers an opportunity for reflection, reminding us of the sacrifices made by those who have defended our freedom and democracy. At summer camp, campers engage in discussions about patriotism, citizenship, and the importance of standing up for what they believe in. By instilling a sense of pride and respect for the flag, summer camps play a vital role in shaping responsible and engaged citizens.

As we celebrate Flag Day, let us pause to honor the emblem that unites us as Americans and serves as a reminder of our shared heritage and values. Whether at summer camp or in our communities, let us proudly display the flag and pledge our allegiance to the principles it represents. Thanks for reading. Happy Flag Day and, as always, Happy Camping!


- John

The 4-1-1 on YKK Zippers

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Hey, Zipper-Snappers!

Today is National Zipper Day as it’s celebrated each year on April 29th. Such an everyday, ordinary object, the zipper actually revolutionized our means of closure for a vast number of items like clothing and a long list of camping gear like sleeping bags, backpacks, duffel bags, toiletry bags, and more! Zippers were first invented in 1893 to be a faster, more efficient alternative to what people did before than: button up.

When it comes to the world of zippers, there’s one company that reigns supreme: YKK. Renowned for their time-tested design, appearance, and longevity, YKK zippers are used to fasten all sorts of things.

Learn about zippers today!

A Lot Going On

You wouldn’t think it just looking at one, but a typical zipper has over a dozen parts, including teeth, sliders, and a pull tab. The teeth are the interlocking parts of the zipper that make it work, while the slider is what moves up and down the teeth to open and close the zipper. The pull tab is the part of it you hold it by to move the slider. There’s a lot to get right—and on such a miniscule scale. But YKK has been getting it right for nearly the last century.

Do you know what the number next to a zipper means?

A Name of Initials

The company was founded in 1934 by Tadao Yoshida in Tokyo, Japan. I can’t pronounce it, but the full company name is ‘Yoshida Kogyo Kabushikikaisha’ which essentially translates to “Yoshida Company Limited” in English. Over years of stamping their initials onto the pull tabs of their zippers, this abbreviation got to be recognized as the company's trademark.

Take a Number

Did you know that the number listed for a zipper (i.e. #10 Zipper) refers to the length in millimeters across the fabric on either side of the teeth? This measurement is used to ensure that the zipper will fit properly on the garment or item it is intended for.


When it comes to camping gear, zippers are pretty important so we want to make sure you’re informed when you’re shopping our online store here at Everything Summer Camp! The next time you're zipping up a rain jacket or accessing your sleeping bag, take a moment to appreciate the power of the modest, yet mighty zipper. Happy National Zipper Day, Everybody. Thanks for reading. And, as always, Happy Camping!


- John

Mosquito Mayhem!!!

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Buzz, Buzz, Campers!

Among a long list of great things, summer is filled with swatting away those pesky little bloodsuckers; August 20th is World Mosquito Day! Peacefully enjoying a campfire under the starry sky takes a nasty turn when you’re suddenly bombarded by a scourge of thirsty mosquitoes.

They’re masters at sniffing out the heat from warm-blooded animals like you and all your friends around the fire. Locking onto their target, they skillfully pierce through skin with their needle-like mouthparts to feast upon the blood, drawing it up through their proboscis like milk through a straw.

Prehistoric Pests

Believe it or not, mosquitoes have been buzzing around for millions of years, and they've undergone some significant transformations. In fact, their ancestors were massive in comparison to the tiny bloodsuckers we know today. Can you imagine encountering a mosquito the size of a small cat? Thank goodness they downsized!

Beneficial Bugs

But let's take a moment to appreciate the important role mosquitoes play in the ecosystem. Yes, you read that right! While they may be a nuisance to us, mosquitoes do serve a purpose. They are pollinators, just like bees and butterflies. They play a role in transferring pollen from one plant to another, contributing to the reproduction of various plant species. So, in their own buzzing way, mosquitoes are helping to maintain the balance of our natural world.

Armed Against Mosquitoes

From insect repellent sprays to wipes to bug-repellent clothing, we have everything you need to create a mosquito-free zone. Don't let those little buzzers ruin your camp experience. Arm yourself with bug protection gear and enjoy the great outdoors without worrying about itchy mosquito bites.


As we celebrate World Mosquito Day, let's remember to protect ourselves from these miniature vampires. Whether you're hiking in the woods, roasting marshmallows by the campfire, or exploring the beauty of nature, don't let mosquitoes crash the party. Stay prepared, stay protected, and make sure your summer camp experience is bug-free!

So, Campers, let's raise a can of bug spray to World Mosquito Day! May we enjoy the Great Outdoors alongside each other without them bugging us. And remember, Everything Summer Camp has your back with top-notch bug protection gear. Thanks for reading and, as always, Happy Camping!


- John

Spinning Tunes Bring us Back to the Past

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Hey, LP Lovers!

It's Vinyl Record Day—time to celebrate the bygone era when music was enjoyed through the magic of spinning records. Gliding across the vinyl, the needle rides along the surface, interpreting the indents in the vinyl as music to enjoy. Just the same as summer camp, vinyl records have proven their timeless appeal as well as their ability to connect us to the past. So, dust off your turntable and get ready to embark on a nostalgic musical journey!

Also known as LPs or albums, vinyl records were once the primary medium for listening to music. The process is simple yet enchanting. A needle, delicately placed on the grooves of the record, traces the physical indentations, translating them into sound waves—slightly similar to a music box. The needle's vibrations along the spinning record create a unique, warm sound, adding depth and character to the music.

The history of vinyl records dates back to the late 19th century, when Thomas Edison patented the phonograph, a device capable of recording and playing back sound. However, it was not until the 1940s that the modern vinyl record gained popularity. Throughout the 1950s and ‘60s, vinyl records dominated the music industry, allowing listeners to enjoy their favorite tunes in the comforts of their homes.

Vinyl records add a touch of nostalgia and authenticity to the musical experience. They remind us of simpler times and the joy of shared music. They provide a tangible connection to the past, much like the summer camp adventures you all embarked upon this season—even the warm crackle of the needle on the vinyl reminds one of the pops and hisses from logs on the campfire.

Relive the magic of spinning tunes today on Vinyl Record Day. Gather up some friends or family and enjoy some music the good ol’-fashioned way, like people used to listen to it! Thanks for reading, Everybody. And, as always, Happy Camping!


- John

Jump into Summer Fun on National Waterpark Day

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Hey, Waterpark Lovers!

It's time to celebrate National Waterpark Day, a day dedicated to the thrilling world of aquatic adventures with water slides, wave pools, and other swimming fun like I'm sure you had at summer camp! This day is all about summer fun and the joy of cooling off in the refreshing waters of a waterpark. Get ready to dive into the history of waterparks, from their humble beginnings to the thrilling attractions we know today.

Back in 1906—a bygone era when water slides were just a dream—the New Zealand International Exhibition introduced the world to a wild ride called ‘The Water Chute’ and it really made a splash. Overdressed riders would hop into specially designed boats and slide down into Victoria Lake, even skipping across the water's surface for a momentary thrill. It was a sight to behold, lettin' folks taste the thrill of sliding through the watery depths.

After the exhibition in New Zealand, the concept of water slides was further developed by Herbert Sellner in Minnesota. A fella named Herbert Sellner took inspiration from the New Zealand extravaganza and concocted his own water toboggans.

These slick contraptions would hurtle down massive slopes, gliding gracefully across bodies of water. These early designs laid the foundation for the water slides we know today. In fact, U.S. Patent Services reported that some of these toboggans reached distances exceeding 100 feet!

As time marched on, theme parks started sproutin' up like mighty oaks in the 1960s. It was ’64 when one George Millay opened the first Sea World. Taken with his aquatic theme park, he took things a step further in the following decade with the world’s first official waterpark in Orlando, Florida. It was only the beginning. Soon, water parks were poppin' up left and right, making its way beyond the United States in Central and South America.

These parks started small but grew bigger and bolder with every passing year, reaching for towering heights and hitting faster and faster speeds. Zero-depth entry pools and splash pools became popular among families with young children, while wave pools and rough water rides attracted thrill-seekers. For those seeking relaxation, lazy rivers became a beloved feature of water parks, letting the current carry them away.

So, on this National Waterpark Day, let's celebrate the incredible water attractions that bring joy to both campers and families alike. Plan your next adventure to a waterpark where you can experience the excitement of swimming and cooling off in the most exhilarating ways. Dive in, make a splash, and cherish the memories of summertime fun!

Thanks for reading, Everybody. Pick up any swimwear and other swim accessories you need from our selection of top brand names like TYR, Under Armour, and more. Happy Swimming!


- John