Hey, Football Fans!
Who doesn’t love a nice Brees? Drew Brees, that is! We definitely do, here at Everything Summer Camp—after all, Drew was a summer camper himself back in the day! I posted about this beloved quarterback and how he attended Camp Champions in Marble Falls. I disclosed that information on the last Blog post I wrote about him from a number of years ago.
You can read the previous Blog post I wrote about him by clicking right here. But, since it’s been so long since his last post, I thought we could revisit Drew to get to know him a little bit better.
Brees-y, You Were Born This Way!
When he was a young boy, Drew was teased because of a birthmark he had on his right cheek. He was given the option to have his mark removed, but he decided—despite the adversity it brought—to keep his mark. It’s brought him adversity, yes—but it also brought him a sense of individuality and character.
Born to Quarterback!
Brees’ success in football seems to track the generations in his family. His mother’s brother, Uncle Marty Akins, was a quarterback with the Texas Longhorns and his grandfather from his mother’s side, Ray Akins, was a Texas High School football coach. And both of Drew’s parents were interested in athleticism to a certain degree as well and encouraged Drew’s investment in the world of sports.
Determination Does You Good
By his second year playing as high school quarterback at Westlake School, Brees wanted to quit football because he didn’t have faith in his skills as an athlete. Baseball was a passion of his as well and he thought he had a better shot in Baseball than he did Football. His friends and family encouraged him to stick with football and he ended up earning varsity letterman in basketball, football, AND baseball! And look at him now!
We love the true-to-self style of Drew and I hope these facts were new for all of you about this fantastic football player and former summer camper. If you have interest in checking out his old stomping grounds at Camp Champions, give them a closer look some time. And, as always, thanks for reading.
- John