Well, Campers!
It’s another summer camp season in the books! And, while it’s never easy to say goodbye to the exhilarating days of overnight camp, reflecting on your time away is an important part to the whole experience. And, along with the end of the camp season, comes the Everything Summer Camp ‘Share Your Camp Story’ Contest. Like a thrilling Fourth of July fireworks show, we’re bringing this contest back with a bang this year and upped the ante with a grand prize of $500!
2023 Summer Camp Story Contest
With ten random winners, our grand prize winner will snag a whopping $500 gift card to splurge on our online store. Two lucky folks will score $200 gift cards, while two more will strut away with $100 gift cards. And then, we'll have five more $50 winners. But hey—even if you don't make it to the winner's circle, we've got you covered with a sweet $20 gift card so that all participants are winners!
What to Talk About
We want to hear the good stuff—the moments that made your camp experience unforgettable. Take your time and paint us a picture, setting the scene with your words. Maybe it's that incredible moment when you conquered the climbing wall or the hilarious campfire tales that had you in stitches. Tell us about the amazing folks you met or why your camp is the best place on earth!
Who Can Submit
Hey, parents and grandparents, you're not left out either! We know watching your little adventurers head off to camp might bring back some powerful nostalgia. Feel free to share your own camp story from back in the day or give us your child’s camp stay from your perspective. We're all ears!
Write or Record
Just as we did for the first time last year, you can submit by either writing up a submission or recording a video. To submit a video, just grab your camera, tell record yourself telling your camp story, then upload it to YouTube and drop us the link.
Written submissions must be at least 150 words, but feel free to share more if you're on a roll! If you end up taking the video route, it must be at least a minute-and-a-half of recounting camp magic. We're accepting submissions up until the stroke of midnight on August 31. To enter the contest, just click here. No entry fee required! If you're under 18, you’ll need permission from your parent or guardian.
So go ahead, spill the beans and share your camp stories with us! We'll feature the best ones right here on the Blog. Check out the entry form for further details! And, as always, thanks for reading!
- John