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Julia Arrives at Camp Hive

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Hey, Camp Aficionados!

We had our best year yet with our camper response to our annual ‘Share Your Camp Story’ Contest at Everything summer Camp. And, as usual, your camp stories were fantastic! I’m eager to share them with our online community and post each submission right here on the Blog!

Now that I’ve finished announcing our ten lucky winners who took larger prizes, I’m sharing the rest of your submissions. All entrants win a $15 gift certificate to our online store simply for participating. The following post is from Ann B. who wrote in to tell us about her daughter’s first camp experience. Here’s her submission:

Arrival Day

It was the crunch of the grass, the soothing sounds of the lake and the wonderful feeling that she had finally arrived when she placed her trunk in the tent that made my daughter Julia A.’s summer. Camp was everything she had imagined it to be and Find yourself home away from home at Aloha Camp just like Julia A.!then even more. Julia‘s excitement started months earlier the moment she got to pick which session at Hive she wanted to attend, which trunk she needed, and what she wanted to put in that little blue slice of home she would take there. Julia made many new friends, rode the zipline, and ate s’mores by the camp fire. She wrote me letters of exciting adventures, hikes, crafts, and even about a sailboat that had capsized in a storm (very exciting!). Her tent family bonded in their headlamps over with late night card games played on a trunk and on overnight trips where she got to canoe for the 1st time. I received letters from her counselor about how she was growing and learning to articulate her feelings but it was the letters and postcards Julia wrote to her brother at home that made me realize how much she really loved it there. When Julia came home, she was a little taller, wiser, independent and more sure of herself. It might have been her first year at summer camp in Vermont but it certainly won’t be her last!

Thank you so much for this great entry, Ann! It’s great to hear that the Hive experience was such a positive one for Julia’s first year at sleepaway camp! Hive Camp sounds like a pretty special place and if anyone else would like to check it out closer by clicking here. And as always, thanks for reading!


- John


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