Hey, Story Lovers!
We've got a bunch more stories to share from the Everything Summer Camp 'Share Your Camp Story' Contest! Each story is being featured individually on our Blog. And today, we’re excited to share the camp tale from Saren S. about her summer adventure at Six Points Sports Camp and her time this summer playing lots of soccer and other sports. Ready to dive in? Her journey begins right now:

What a fun and inspiring summer you had at Six Points, Saren! It’s very cool that you found a camp where you connected with others who share your love for sports—especially soccer. It must have been incredible to learn new skills from the coaches that will help you excel as a goalie this year! Your ambition is admirable! I hope camp continues helping you find your future as a professional athlete.
Thanks for writing, Saren! Can’t wait to hear about your adventures come next summer! For anybody else who would like to look into Saren’s camp, click right here to hop over to the Six Points Sports Camp. Keep coming back! We’ve got plenty more camp stories to share! As always, thanks for reading, Everyone! Till next time.
- John