Hey, Foley Fans!
Not the first time I’ve posted about Mr. Scott Foley, we looked into Scott a handful of years ago on this Blog and learned about the time he spent at Red Arrow Camp when he was a kid as well as his acting career in which he’s portrayed television roles such as Bob Brown from ‘The Unit’, Henry Burton from ‘Grey’s Anatomy’, and Sean Kelly from ‘Scrubs’.
But we only scratched the surface in that last Blog post. Let’s dig a little deeper and talk some more about former summer camper Scott Foley! What makes this man tick?!
If Scott had a Hammer
Like only a few other famous celebrities such as Harrison Ford and Nick Offerman, Scott Foley has an affinity for woodworking. “I love working with my hands,” he’s said. “If it's broken, I can usually fix it.” Sounds like another natural talent he has along with acting!
Home Depot Away from Home
Where do you go when you need to get away? The park maybe? The beach? Scott Foley enjoys escaping to the home improvement retail giant, Home Depot. “Sometimes,” he’s mentioned, “I go to Home Depot just to walk around.” We all have our sanctuaries…
Habitat for Who?
Putting those carpentry skills to good use, Scott traveled to Thailand after the tsunami in 2004 and stayed for a month, building houses with Habitat for Humanity, the nonprofit organization that helps put up affordable housing for families and communities.
These tidbits about Scott maybe aren’t quite what you expected of a famous actor, but I think they make him a pretty interesting guy. I wonder if he took the Woodworking activity offered at Red Arrow Camp back in the day! Check out Red Arrow Camp for yourself by clicking here and, as always, thanks for reading, Camp Folks!
- John