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Hey, Camp Fans!

We don’t like to complain about the weather here at Everything Summer Camp. After all, we’re Wisconsinites! We’re used to the cold temperatures and blizzard conditions that come in the winter, but some years bring much worse seasons than others and one thing I think everyone in Wisconsin (or at least here at Everything Summer Camp) will agree on is that this year’s winter could NOT have gotten any worse!Happy Spring

What a brutal winter it’s been! This year’s season brought record-breaking low temperatures reaching wind chills of 40° below zero here in northern Wisconsin! The low temperatures lingered and would then warm up just enough to snow and then freeze again rendering roads very unsafe to travel.

This year we also received some of the wettest, heaviest snow I’ve ever seen! It fell in large flakes and clung to power lines causing them to droop unusually low. I threw snowballs at them to avoid downed power lines!

Things may have been pretty rough in Wisconsin, but this winter swept the whole country in places that don’t typically see much in the way of winter weather. Temperatures in Texas were as low as 9° C and the virtually the entire state was shut down because of the snow and poor travel conditions.

Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow this year, predicting six more weeks of winter weather and BOY, was he right on that one! But, no matter how brutal the winter, we always make it through to the end. And today, my friends…today is the first day of spring!

It’s time for fresh beginnings, spring cleaning, and why not getting ready for camp? Start shopping now and avoid last minute running around! This way, you can spend quality time with your kid in the few days before summer camp starts instead of racing to finish getting ready!

Happy Spring, Camp Fans! Thanks for reading.

- John

Posted in Seasonal Stuff


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