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Winner Number Five Comin' Alive!

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Hey, Camp Fans!

The ‘Share Your Camp Story’ Contest is in full swing for this year. We’ve been announcing our lucky winners and sharing their stories right here on the Blog throughout September. And today, I’m announcing our next $50 gift certificate winner! Today’s winner is….

Jacob W.! Check out his submission about his time at Cedar Lake Camp right now…



“At Cedar Lake I was having a blast. We have a big lake that has multiple things to do such as a trampoline, jet ski, and boating. I have been going there for 6 years. I go back every year because I have so much friends and a ton of fun. My favorite thing to do is athletics. I got really good at tennis at camp. We also have a small weight room so I can workout. There is always 4 shows that campers can sign up for to do. On Friday nights we have Shabbat dinner and services. But instead of do a ton of prayers we turn those prayers into songs. Saturday morning we also do services. And then Saturday night is havdalah. I can’t wait to go back next year. There is also a great program for when I get older. The camp takes us to Israel for a few weeks. My story isn’t that unique but I feel it shows how much fun I have at Cedar Lake Camp. Which is apart of NJY camps and has around Lake Camp for special need kids and Tac which is for Israel. Finally there is Teen Village which is for kids with special needs. But it goes up until your 23.”


Thanks for writing in to us, Jacob! You’re right, your story isn’t the most unique—nothing wrong with that! Sounds like you had a great, well-rounded, and really fun time at Cedar Lake Camp. I’m glad you’ve found your summer home here! And how exciting will a trip to Israel be in the future?! Cedar Lake Camp truly sounds like a great place for summer fun! Thanks again for sharing.

If Cedar Lake Camp sounds like the right camp experience for you, give it a closer look by clicking here. Tune in tomorrow when I reveal our next winner! And, as always, thanks for reading.


- John


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