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Who's Winner Number Two?

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Hey, Camp Fans!

We’re announcing the winners to our ‘Share Your Camp Story’ Contest right here on the Blog. Come back each weekday to see who else won; it might just be you. This year, we have more stories, more laughs, and more fun! And, now for our second $50 winner—congratulations to….

Brayden J.!

“So this was my first year at Gold Arrow. I had planned to go with a friend who had been before. I still was really nervous though because I had never been away and I would be gone for 2 weeks. It was the BEST time of my life. I made instant friends with the other kids in my bunk and I got to learn so many things. One of my favorite things was learning to knee board at Shaver Lake. I even earned a bronze patch for it and gained so much confidence that I knee boarded at home for over 30 minutes...something I had never before. I also overcame my fear of heights and did the ropes course and got to the highest level. The best part, overall, had to be the friends I met and I have got to keep in touch with them. I cannot wait to go back to GAC next year. Even my sister is joining me!”


Awesome, Brayden! Sounds like you got the full summer camp experience at Gold Arrow. It’s pretty normal to be nervous about going to camp for the first time, but I’m glad it was an absolute success! Sounds like you didn’t have any trouble making friends, overcoming some fears, and having an all-out blast.

If any of our readers want to take a closer look at Gold Arrow Camp, check it out by clicking right here. Come back tomorrow to find out who our third $50 winner of this year’s ‘Share Your Camp Story’ Contest is! Who knows?! It might be you! If your entry is announced a winner, you’ll receive an email with the gift certificate code once all other winners have been disclosed. As always, thanks for reading!


- John


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