Hey, Horrorheads!
Do you love the seasonal scare of Halloween and all its horrific elements? One fantastic element about getting into the Halloween spirit is being scared! That’s why people watch scary movies! We, here at Everything Summer Camp like to watch them too…well, MOST of us, anyway. I guess some of us might be too scared for a good horror flick *AHEM*—JULIANN!
I asked everyone about their favorite scary movies and most of them told me that they didn’t like scary movies. They then went on to share with me the one that they hated the most. I think that means it’s their favorite.
Naturally, I started with our President, Ed. He told me he didn’t really like scary movies. “The only good horror movie I’ve ever seen is ‘Silence of the Lambs’. They jumped the shark in the sequel, though.”
Next, I talked to our Vice President, Mark, who declared ‘Psycho’ as his favorite scary movie. “The original,” he clarified. “Give it to me in black and white with no special effects or gore—just a really creepy story to scare your pants off!”
Like Mark, our Operations Manager, Brian, had to clarify that his favorite scary movie is the original movie and not the remake. “’Let the Right One In’—NOT ‘Let Me In’! It’s not that the remake is bad, it’s just redundant and unnecessary,” he says.
Our receptionist, Tim, shared one of his favorites, ‘Event Horizon’, a sci-fi horror movie. Keisha, the Supervisor in the Call Center, gave me the zombie thriller ’28 Days Later’ for her favorite. And Matt, our Sales Director, said ‘Poltergeist’ always got to him.
Nate, Manager of our printshop at Screenprinting Direct, doesn’t really do scary movies, but he’s a big fan of Scooby Doo. I think that’s good enough.Out in the factory, Shirley, our Production Supervisor, says she’s a fan of ‘The Texas Chainsaw Massacre,’ and Teresa asked, “What about the ‘Saw’ movies?” Art, the maintenance/handyman around here threw out classics like ‘The Fly’, ‘Chucky’, and ‘Rosemary’s Baby,’ before landing on the original ‘The Blob’ for his favorite.
Over in Shipping, Derek and Ryan both had a great time reminiscing about their old favorites. First, Derek said he liked those kinds of movies like ‘Halloween’ and ‘Friday the 13th’. His favorite, though, is ‘Nightmare on Elm Street’.
Ryan threw out ‘Halloween’, but then started speaking of another. “The one with the bees,” he said. After further investigation, he realized the movie was ‘Candyman’. “It looks stupid now,” he said after showing me the trailer. “But when I was nine, it scared me like crazy!”
As for myself, I like a story with some truth to it. Not just one of my favorite, scary movies, it’s one of my favorite movies—PERIOD—‘The Mothman Prophecies’ is a weird, crazy ride that really has you scratching your head and holding your breath!
So those are our favorites. WARNING: Some of these movies are rated R. If you watch these movies on channels like USA or TBS, you can watch them with the R-rated factor edited out. Of course, you should ask your parents’ permission to watch it as well. You don’t want to get nightmares, do you?! Happy Halloween, Scare Fans, and thanks for reading!
- John