Hey, Camp Fans!
It’s National Hot Dog Day. Standing tall alongside burgers and apple pie, hot dogs are one of the most iconic of American foods. Whether you’re having a simple cookout with the family or taking a trip out to the ballpark to catch a ballgame—hot dogs are an essential part of summer!
Wieners, Franks, Foot Longs, Dogs—no matter what you call them, they’re delicious! They’re traditionally served on a bun with ketchup and mustard on top, but the fun doesn’t have to end there. Like its cousin, the burger, there’s a whole slew of condiments you can use to dress up the hotdog.
Sprinkle some diced onion on there, decorate it with some tasty relish (hot giardiniera if you’re daring enough), then load it all with one more layer of chili! Now THAT’S a hotdog!
Hotdogs don’t NEED to go inside a bun either. You can get a corndog—a hotdog with a cornmeal coating, deep-fried, and served on a stick. Otherwise, cut some hotdogs into bite-sized pieces and put them in your Mac n’ Cheese—it’s great!
But really—even if you don’t have a single condiment or a bun to put it on—hotdogs are still beyond enjoyable. And since they’re so independently satisfying, they make for the number one most convenient camping food. All you need to do is find yourself a skewer (any ol’ stick will do) and roast it by a campfire. It’s that easy and dinner is served!
It was the 13th Century when pork sausages (essentially hotdogs) were first made in Frankfurt, Germany (you can take a wild guess at how the name frankfurter came along). But encased sausage and other meats have been made since at least 700 B.C.—it’s mentioned in Homer’s ‘The Odyssey’.
From grill outs to hotdog stands to eating contests, Americans consume somewhere around 20 billion hotdogs a year! That’s A LOT!
We’ll certainly be having our share of hotdogs today thanks to our employee grill out! I can smell it already! Mmmm. Happy Hotdog Day to everyone from Everything Summer Camp!
Eat up, Dog Lovers. And thanks for reading!
- John