Hey there, Holidayers!
Each season provides us with its own specific atmosphere. And this particular season was made to be spent in the warm company of those who are dear to us. Despite the fact that it contains the coldest, darkest day of the year, we brighten the season up with our cheerfulness, our good will, and the company of our loved ones.
Just like I’m sure all of you do, I have plans to get together with my family during this holiday season. I’m taking the next few days off to be with them for our Christmas celebration. My family tends to get pretty into the holiday spirit, so there’s sure to be lots of food, festivities, and gifts!
I know I have all MY gifts wrapped up and ready for their recipients! I can’t wait to see what everyone in my family got for each other!
Every family has their own holiday traditions, and while traditions can be liable to change from time to time, some never will. I have a fairly big family: six siblings (including in-laws), three nieces, one nephew, and my mother. That’s a lot of presents, which is certainly a lot of work. But, despite how much effort is involved, I wouldn’t trade it for the world.
In fact, our gift-opening is my favorite part about our Christmas Day traditions. The whole family grabs a cozy seat in the living room with carols playing in the background, we drink hot chocolate, and watch one-by-one as we all open our presents which previously surrounded the tree. It typically takes us about three hours!
From everyone here at Everything Summer Camp, we wish you nothing but the warmest wishes for you and your families’ holiday traditions. Enjoy the festivities and, as always, thanks for reading.
- John