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Victoria F. Says Camp is the Best

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Hey, Camp Fans!

We saw an excellent response to our ‘Share Your Camp Story’ Contest here at Everything Summer Camp and now we’re eager to publish each one right here on the Blog! After our seven lucky winners, everyone else who submitted received a $15 gift certificate to our online store! Today’s post is from Victoria F., who wrote in to tell us about her exciting acrobatics at Camp Louise. Here’s her submission:Camp Louise provides activities that keep kids not just entertained but brave too!

“‘Finally!’ I said quietly. Even though it was only the third day of summer camp our bunk schedule finally said ‘Ropes Course.’ We found out yesterday, but we had been counting hours until our second activity of the day arrived. As our counselors led us downhill to the tool shed I could not help but wonder what we would be doing. One of the Outdoors staff approached us and led us to the Leap Of Faith. After she explained what to do I decided not to go first. Instead, I watched my friends climb up the twenty foot pole using the staples, hoist themselves on top of the pole, and scoot off. Nobody actually grabbed the trapeze like they were trying to. Then, it was my turn. When I made it to the top the pole shook in rhythm with the rest of my body. I triple-checked my harness and my helmet and counted in a whisper one, two, three. I couldn’t move. At least I was the first one that stood up on the pole. Without counting I bent my knees and flew off of the pole. As I extended my arms I felt the trapeze and quickly grasped the black pole. I did it! I was the first one. When I got down on the ground I heard my bunk cheering for me. I could not believe it. I look forward to activities like this all year long. Now I was positive this would be an amazing summer!”

Victoria clearly had a blast during her summer camp stay. Congrats for being the first to succeed at The Leap of Faith at Camp Louise. Check this camp out at home to see if it’s a good match for you. You can visit their site by clicking here and, as always, thanks for reading!

- John


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