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Times Rule at Camp Jewell!

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Hey, Camp Fans!

This year’s summer camp season is still fresh in our minds, but for serious Camp Fans we think about camp all year long. If you’re unsure where you’ll be attending camp in the following season, then today’s Blog post just might introduce you to your summer camp experience next year! We’re shining our summer camp spotlight over to the eastern coast where we find Camp Jewell YMCA in the Berkshires of northwest Connecticut.

A regular fun factory, Camp Jewell has been around since 1901 and providing kids with 540 beautiful acres along the banks of New Hampshire’s Lake Swanzey. Once an all-boys camp, Camp Jewell moved to a co-ed program in 1970 and has since shown boys and girls summer fun like they’ve never experienced before. With their beginning more than a hundred years ago with well under a hundred kids, they now welcome 1500 campers each summer!

Join the exciting summer happenings going on at Camp Jewell where campers get the chance to splash it up with activities like Swimming, Canoeing and Kayaking, Fishing, Paddleboarding, and more. For land activities, they have Archery, Basketball, Carpetball, Climbing Towers, 4-Square, Frisbee, Hiking, Outdoor Cooking, Ropes Course, Soccer, Volleyball, Wiffleball, Zip Line, and lots, LOTS more!

And for indoor fun, Camp Jewell gives campers the opportunity to sharpen their skills in other activities such as Arts & Crafts, Dance, Drama, Guitar, Ukulele, Pottery, and other cool activities you can try your hand at!

One last note about Camp Jewell, their facilities and cabins for camper quarters are accommodating and complementary to the natural surroundings. The Main Camp Facility fills up at 400 people and they offer 13 fully winterized cabins that can each sleep up to 26 people! Every cabin features bathrooms, showers, and a central common area with a fireplace. And the Senior Lodge sleeps up to 68 people!

Check out more about Camp Jewell by clicking here and, as always, thanks for reading, Camp Fans.


- John


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