Hey, Camp Fans!
It’s the Everything Summer Camp ‘Share Your Camp Story’ Contest! We’re in full swing for this year, announcing our lucky winners and sharing their stories right here on the Blog. Today, I’m announcing our second $100 gift certificate winner! Today’s winner is….
Sadie S.!
Congratulations, Sadie! You won a $100 gift certificate to our one-stop camping gear shop! Sadie gives us her story of her time at Camp Harlam this summer in Pennsylvania. Read about it in her Contest entry right here:

It’s wonderful to hear how you love summer camp, Sadie! It's great that you have so many friends and fond, fun memories at Camp Harlam. It must be a pretty great place! Enjoy next year when you're even more excited to go! To anybody else interested in Camp Harlam, you can check it out by clicking right here and, as always, thanks for reading!
- John