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Third Place Winner for our Share Your Camp Story Contest...

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Hey, Camp Fans!

It’s the Everything Summer Camp ‘Share Your Camp Story’ Contest! We’re in full swing for this year, announcing our lucky winners and sharing their stories right here on the Blog. Today, I’m announcing our first $200 gift certificate winner! Today’s winner is….

Sadie S.!

Congratulations, Sadie! You won a $200 gift certificate to our one-stop camping gear shop! Sadie gives us her story of her time at Camp Harlam this summer in Kunkletown, Pennsylvania. Read about it in her Contest entry right here:

Read Sadie's story about her time at Camp Harlam right here!

 Click here for an enlarged view of Sadie's Letter.

“Camp means so much to me in many different ways. I meet new friends, do lots of fun activities, and try new things. Each one of those things makes camp more and more special.

My first reason why camp is so special to me is that I make new friends. Every year, we don’t end up in the same exact bunk as the previous year which lets us make a new friend. Some of the people that I became friends with, I had no idea that they would be my friends. Even if some of my friends aren’t in my bunk, I still can hang out with them. Meeting new friends makes camp more memorable each year.

Secondly reason Camp Harlam means so much to me is that there are many fun activities. All of the activities are so fun and help me become braver or more happy when they get completed. I love the zipline. Sometimes, the process getting up it makes me braver when I am up there and waiting to zipline down! Also, when climbing the tower, people get scared that they will fall. It is actually really fun when you are climbing it if you focus on the fact that you are attached to it so you can’t fall off that. You are getting higher and higher each step and that your bunkmates might even be cheering you on. At services, we all come together as one camp to sing prayers and some songs. We make the prayers more fun to sing by adding claps to it in between some words. The activities at camp never make me bored. They always make me excited.

My last reason why camp means so much to me is that I try new things. I try new foods that I thought that I didn’t like until I tried it at camp. I also tried new things when we went to Dorney Park as a camp. I went on new rides that I was scared to go on. Camp is about trying new things!

Camp Harlam is so memorable and makes me look forward to the summer!”

See what Camp Harlam has in store for you next summer season!

Camp Harlam sounds totally awesome, Sadie! Making new friends every year sounds like such a special part of your camp experience. It’s great to hear that you’re pushing your limits with activities like the zipline and climbing the tower! It's awesome how you also enjoy camp services, adding claps to the prayers and coming together with everyone. Trying new foods and taking on the rides at Dorney Park shows just how much camp helps you grow and step out of your comfort zone.

Thanks for sharing your amazing camp journey with us, Sadie! If anyone else wants to check out the great time to be had at Camp Harlam, check out their website by clicking right here. Check back in with us tomorrow for our second place winner and, as always, thanks for reading!


- John


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