Hey, Fans of Everything Summer Camp!
Meet our Lead Buyer at Everything Summer Camp, Tim. An excellent part of our team, Tim keeps a running list of every single available item on our website in his head! It’s an incredibly long list made of a number of different departments and it’s constantly changing. Still, Tim manages to fulfill the needs of his job with efficiency and success.
It’s Tim’s job to scout for new brands to carry, analyze sales, and attend tradeshows to find the current trends. And on top of all those responsibilities, he also leads the way in physically bringing in new products. From accepting shipments to putting them on our website, Tim is involved in every step along the way.
In the last three years, he has undoubtedly become an essential asset to Everything Summer Camp. He started back in the summer of 2014 when he came on as temporary help in our Shipping Department. Proving his hard work and unflinching work ethic that summer, we made the call to keep him on as our Administrative Assistant in charge of purchasing.
He excelled in that position and then proved himself as our Shipping Manager as well. Since he’s made his latest climb now as our Lead Buyer, he has only continued to provide our team at Everything Summer Camp with flawless organization and a good eye for cool new products to bring on board our online store. Down-to-earth and friendly, Tim is always there to help.
A great fit, Tim loves the work atmosphere that we’ve created here in Boyd, Wisconsin because he feels he can be himself at work. Simply put, “People just let you do your job here,” says Tim. Coming from his previous job as a nurse in Lake Wissota, the casual business environment is much appreciated.
How does Tim do it? How does he know what products will be popular? Well, simply put, he knows what kids think is cool. And now that you know what Tim does as our Lead Buyer, feel free to make a suggestion if there are any products you’d like to see that we don’t yet offer on our site. Leave him a note in the comments section below. As always, thanks for reading!
- John