Happy Halloween!

Let's dive into the magical world of Halloween and discover how it all began with the amazing adventures of Saint Patrick! WAIT!! Saint Patrick?!?! What’s he got to do with Halloween?! Well, it’s an interesting story. Let me tell you about a time long, long ago—before Halloween was even a thing…
Back then, people celebrated a special festival called Samhain. People would light bonfires and wear spooky costumes to scare away ghosts. Sounds a bit like Halloween, right?
Now, let's fast forward to Saint Patrick's time. He was a brave and adventurous guy who went on amazing journeys. But did you know he was also the one who helped turn Samhain into Halloween?
How did he do that?
Well, he was captured by Irish pirates when he was just a teenager and taken to Ireland as a slave. After six years, he escaped and went back to his family. But instead of staying home, he decided to go back to Ireland to spread the word of Christianity.

With his trusty staff in hand, Saint Patrick traveled all over Ireland, telling stories and making new friends. He even baptized thousands of people and built churches. He was a true evangelical, spreading love and joy wherever he went!
So how did this celebration turn into Halloween? It was the Christian movement in Ireland (thanks to good ol’ St. Patrick) that delivered the Samhain traditions to the converted Irish Christians. It was in the 8th century that Pope Gregory III announced November 1st as a day to honor all saints.
He called it All Saints Day. Hallow, being another word for holy or saintly was commonly used in those times. Over the years, instead of calling it ‘All Hallow’s Eve’ (also known as All Saint’s Eve) people started calling it ‘Halloween’. And to this day, it still incorporates some of the traditions of Samhain.
So, the next time you dress up in a spooky costume or carve a pumpkin, remember the incredible journey of Saint Patrick and how he helped make Halloween so awesome. Happy Halloween, everyone! Have a spook-tacular time trick-or-treating and enjoying a good scare! Till next time.
- John