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The Amazing Entrepreneur: Jennifer Adams Bunkers

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Hey, Camp Fans!

Today I want to tell you about the one, the only, the founder of TruKid, Jennifer Adams Bunkers. This incredible entrepreneur had a dream and then made it a reality with nothing more than a considerate thought and her own hard work.

When Jennifer, a mother of six, mind you, discovered that two of her kids had gotten into her wrinkle cream and applied it to themselves as a joke, she got it in her head that a cream that’s used to wipe the wrinkles off your face probably isn’t the safest product for children to be messing with.Tru Kid Sunny Days Sport Stick

And that made her realize further that there wasn’t much on the market for children’s products for skin care, hair care, or baby-safe sunscreen. Since everything else that was out there was all filled to the brim with a bunch of chemicals that nobody can pronounce or had an unpleasant odor.

After that, she decided she would concoct skin and hair care products that weren’t only safe for children to use but fun for them too. Her one hundred percent natural, essential oils, shampoos, sunblock, and other products come packaged with educational activities that help teach your kids about taking care of their skin, the hair on their head, and the world they live in.Tru Kid Sunny Days Sport 2oz

One might think that Jennifer must be Wonder Woman in her alter ego’s everyday disguise to be such an amazing entrepreneur and a mother of six. But really she’s just prone to handling stressful and chaotic situations. She’s doing something that she loves to do which makes it all worth it to her at the end of the day.

In the coming fall season, Jennifer intends to launch the TruKid Foundation™, an organization for kids, by kids to create a focus on charity work in the Bay Area. This includes product donations, outreach activities, and educational projects.


- John

Posted in Vendor Spotlight


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