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A Baking Blog Post

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Hey, Bakers!

It’s that time of year! When the temperatures drop and the snow starts to fall, it’s time to crank up our ovens and bake some sweet treats to get the house smelling good! Baking has its obvious benefits, such as the result, having tasty treats, and an understanding of how to use the kitchen. But let’s take a deeper look at this particular practice. It’s very popular this time of year, but it’s used all year round in celebration of all sorts of occasions and indulgences!

What is it about baking that never fails to raise our spirits? Well, there’s a whole mentality that baking sparks and builds in a baker.

Easy Instructions

Baking must be followed to a tee for the proper results, so it’s important to stick to the recipe. While baking can offer creativity in other parts of the process, when it comes to mixing ingredients, it can be a nice escape from your everyday living to put your mind to this easy but exact task. Baking doesn’t allow for great distraction, so just turn on some music and get into the rhythm. Baking requires your concentration and patience. 

Kitchen Rhythm

The escape I mentioned that baking delivers is a therapeutic means of escape and relaxation. The same way you relax to the rhythm in the music, you also relax with the rhythm in the baking process. From measuring out your ingredients to kneading your dough, and timing out batches in the oven, a full baking demands a well-oiled process that you can keep up with!

A Baked Form of Art

Just the same as any other artistic medium, Baking allows you to express yourself in a way that words, music, dance, or any other art form can (except maybe cooking). Baked goods that have been made with care are the perfect way to show someone a warm connection in you.

Try your hand at this particular art form. A common activity found taught and practiced at summer camps, check to see if your camp offers Baking and learn more about this great domestic talent! And, as always, thanks for reading!


- John

Writing Helps!

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Hello, Young Writers out there!

Kids all across the country love to get lost in a world that they create in their own mind and try to articulate that world from their imagination into written words to tell the story that they imagine happening within this make-believe world that they created. Creative Writing and the fun of fictional storytelling is a calling for tons of kids including yours truly—in fact, my summer camp experience was at a Creative Writing Camp when I was little!    

Everyone knows that writing has its benefits. But what exactly are they? How does reading help sharpen our minds? Take a look at these four points about the health that reading provides and see what you can expect to get out of the experience if you want to participate at camp.

Sharpened Imagination
From world-building to character development, Creative Writing is all about drawing up outlines of your story and going down potential avenues for storylines to take—plot twists that work together with the story that’s been unraveled. And that’s just the beginning. Decisions must be made about whose perspective to tell the story from, when to reveal information about the story, how things will wind up. Crafting a story stretches your imagination and works your creative muscle!


Being able to express yourself always feels good—especially when you’re able to do in a work of art that other people connect with. Our stories can say so much about us (not in words necessarily but just in the simple fact that we choose to write the stories that we do). Being able to express yourself in a way that’s beyond words is a very freeing experience and builds our self-assurance!

Increased Empathy

When you allow yourself to get lost in your own works of fiction, you build your ability to relate to others. In our fictional stories, we relate to our characters by the feelings and problems that the story makes them face. Caring about others transforms you into a more understanding and compassionate person. If you can relate to somebody you entirely made up, you can relate to anybody!

If you’re passionate about Creative Writing, then I recommend you find a summer camp that offers it as an activity to boost your techniques and skills with the written word. If you already have a camp in mind, call them up to ask about their Creative Writing program. And, as always, thanks for reading, Camp Fans!


- John

Creepy Crafts

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Hey, Artsy-Fartsy Folks!

If a clever means of three-dimensional, multi-media art is your idea of a good time, you’re likely to find this kind of fun at your next summer camp experience! Arts & Crafts is a definite essential to just about any summer camp. Camps know that kids love to break out the construction paper, popsicle sticks, and glue. What’s especially great about Arts & Crafts in particular is that you can work on something pretty much any time of year right at home!

While timely Arts & Crafts projects can be appropriate any time of year, the current Harvest season offers a great time to craft your own creations to make some spooky Halloween decorations! Along with pumpkin carving, this holiday is begging for you to roll up your sleeves and get creative!     

Check out these great examples of holiday crafts:

Toilet Paper Roll Bats
These guys are really fun to hang up every year! A million Halloweens ago, my mother and I made bats out of toilet paper rolls! I cut black construction paper to glue over the rolls and we put paper circles with faces over one end to make ‘the head’. Then we cut a couple wings to glue on the middle section of the roll. My mother helped me attach invisible string so they could hang from the ceiling and ‘fly around’ when I’d set them in swinging motion! They were always my favorite.

Stapled Spiders
These creeping little buggers were quick projects to work on among my brothers and sisters. We’d set them on kitchen counters and the entertainment center. Simply wadded up paper a little smaller than your fist and sandwiched between two larger circles of paper, the ‘body’ of the spider was then stapled together along the edges of the circles. Then we stapled eight accordion-folded ‘legs’ to the body. Add some eyes and put it in a dark corner where it might surprise an unsuspecting brother or sister!

Cheesecloth Ghosts
Another favorite of mine growing up were these spooky specters. I never did make these myself and they likely require a trip to the store. This Arts & Crafts project is a little more involved; I’d tell you how to make them right here, but it’s probably easier to just watch this short and sweet video!

Hope these ideas aren’t too scary for you and that they create some fond memories of the Halloween season as they have for me! Enjoy spreading the holiday fear and, as always, thanks for reading!

- John


Kayakin' at Camp

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Hey, Kayak Kids!

While the summer camp season comes to a close, there are still some great summertime activities that you can enjoy. Few activities are more versatile than getting out on the water in a kayak. Kayaking is suitable for both adventurous as well as peaceful times between going whitewater kayaking as well as flatwater kayaking where you may have the opportunity to watch the sun set over the lake.

The word kayak translates to ‘man’s boat’ or ‘hunter’s boat’. The kayak was first created by the native Inuit people of the arctic as far back as at least 4000 years! The first kayaks were made from wooden frames or whalebones covered in the skin of seals and other available animals. Early kayaks varied greatly in design and were never really built the same as another.

Be sure while the weather still permits to enjoy outings in your kayak and seek whichever kind of experience you’re looking for whether it be a fast-paced, exhilarating rush or a calm, slow ride. But, in the meantime, learn a little about this great hobby and fun camp activity right now. Here are some kayaking benefits to entice you to get out on the water!

Getting You Where You’re Going
Kayaks allow you to see breathtaking Nature that would otherwise be inaccessible. Traveling by kayak can expand the ground you’re able to cover and enables you to access hard-to-reach areas such as a prize fishing hole.

Cardio, Kayaking, and You
A nice, low-impact activity, kayaking can improve cardiovascular fitness as well as strength. The paddling motion is proven to build muscles, especially in areas such as the back, arms, shoulders, and chest, but even muscles in your legs are engaged when you’re kayaking.

Paddle Your Stress Away
As I mentioned above, the flip side to the fast-paced rush of whitewater kayaking is a much more mindful and relaxing experience on a still lake. It’s a very relaxing means of experiencing nature and can be a great source of relieving stress.

Enjoy every aspect of kayaking adventure if the opportunity is available to you! It’s certain to be a great way to appreciate Natural sights from a perspective you can’t view otherwise and offer you a sense of adventure whether you took a slow, scenic path through a creek or an adrenaline-charging challenge along a rushing river. And, as always, thanks for reading.


- John

No Frills with Outdoor Skills

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Hey, Camp Fans!

Different summer camps tend to offer a different variety of activities for you to take part in during your time spent there. However, many offer the traditional skills you think of when it comes to camp: Archery, Canoeing, High Ropes, etc. Another activity that’s offered at most every summer camp is an educational expedition known as Outdoor Skills.

Having the know-how for any number of the following skills will come in handy for the avid campers and outdoorsy folks. Check out all the cool things camp can teach you about survival in the Great Outdoors…

Sweet Home Away from Home
Choose a campsite free from natural dangers like valleys where water will collect, insect nests, and dead branches or falling rocks that may crash down in the middle of the night.

Gimme Shelter
Setting up shelter is top priority once you’ve determined your campsite. If you don’t have a tent or hammock packed along, you can always make a temporary shelter by setting large branches securely against a fallen, angled tree. You’ll want to lay debris down to sleep on as well.

To Build a Fire
Creating a pit for your fire is the first step. Then, place your smallest pieces of dry wood on the bottom and lay your firewood on top around the small twigs and other kindling (note: pine cones and tree sap makes great kindling). Keep your fire to a manageable size as you continue to add firewood. And never leave your fire unattended! For further fire safety check out this older Blog post

Knowing Where You’re Going
Nature provides! When you have no other resources, you can always use the sky to find your way. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west no matter where you are on the Earth. This will always give you a decent idea of what direction you’re heading in.  

Nightly Navigating
I said you can always use the sky. So what about when the sun has set? If you can find Polaris—the North Star—(on the end of the Little Dipper’s handle). The North Star never moves, so face Polaris and you’re facing true north.

Get the experience and understanding for these invaluable skills that will surely make it possible for you to survive in the wilderness. Have fun learning from your own involvement at summer camp and enjoy basking in your accomplishment when it’s all said and done! As always, thanks for reading, Camp Fans!


- John