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Successful Scouting Outing

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Hey, Camp Fans!

Having brought in nearly 30 entries The ‘Share Your Camp Story’ Contest here at Everything Summer Camp has once again seen a great response and now we’re eager to publish each one right here on the Blog! After our seven lucky winners, everyone else who submitted received a $15 gift certificate to our online store! Today’s post feature an entry from Mikesha M., who wrote in to tell us about her son’s time at camp.
Get into the Woodruff spirit like Mikesha's scout!My son went to Woodruff Boy Scout Camp for a week. I was very nervous about what to pack and how to pack to make sure he had everything he needed. I love the trunk he got from Everything Summer Camp. It really helped him stay organized. He said it was cool to have a trunk that was different from everyone else’s so he could find it easily. Then he said, “Mom, when I took out the wheels and popped them on..everyone was talking about it and that they wished they had wheels on their bin/trunk”. When my son came back from summer camp I could tell he was more confident and willing to try new things. One of the things he talked about was all of the new friends he met and how there were scouts from far away states. He thought that was so cool and he even exchanged info with a couple of scouts so he could keep in touch. He also said how we like the fireworks even though they got rained out but he kept dry in his rain gear. I never got a chance to go to sleep away camp, but I am glad he is able to go and make memories that will last a life time.”

Sounds like your son was the lucky duck at camp with his ‘fancy’ rolling trunk and effective rain gear! We’re happy to hear that camp was such a great experience for him. It’s also great to hear how much you liked our trunks—thanks for letting us know! Check out Woodruff Boy Scout Camp if you’re interested in it for your own camping experience and, as always, thanks for reading!


- John


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