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Sisters and Summer Camp

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Hey, Camp Fans!

Your camp stories were great this year! It was lots of fun to read through them all and now I’m excited to share them with all our readers online! We’re posting each submission right here on the Blog! Since I’ve finished announcing our ten lucky winners who took larger prizes, I’ve moved on to everyone else who got a $20 gift certificate as a show of our appreciation.

The following post is from Garner F. who wrote in to share her summer experience while her sister attended Camp DeSoto for nearly a month. Here’s what she wrote:


“Hi! My name is Garner F. My sister, Anna F., attended Camp Desoto during the month of July. I missed her so much. During the weeks she was away, I learned some important lessons. One lesson I learned was what it was like to not have my sister around. She has been away for a week, but that is different than 3.5 – 4 weeks. This was a whole new experience for me and my family. While she was gone, I realized just how big a part of my life she is. I missed her funny jokes and hilarious remarks, her artwork everywhere, and, yes, even her comings and goings in and out of my room without my permission. I noticed that I missed the little things that she does that I’ve never really noticed before. Now, even though my family and I missed her so much, I had the opportunity to grow closer and spend extra time with my youngest sister, Dorothy. I am so thankful for that opportunity. It meant a lot to me and I think it meant a lot to her too. However, even though I grew closer with Dorothy, I stilled missed Anna a ton. I missed her sarcasm and sass. But her being away taught me that I should not take the time I have with her for granted. She is a very special part of my life, and I couldn’t wait to see her again. Finally, pickup day arrived. I eagerly walked into the camp and stood waiting and looking. Then I saw her. My sister. We ran and hugged each other. It was awesome. I missed her more than I thought I did. Getting to be there for pickup was great. I was so happy to see her and couldn’t wait to hear all about camp.”


What a sweet submission this is, Garner! We’ve heard from campers and their parents before but this is the first time we’ve gotten the perspective of a sibling’s account of a summer camp story. Our siblings are easy to take for granted—they’re always around…until they leave for somewhere. It’s nice that you saw her time away at summer camp as a lesson to appreciate her as well as an opportunity to bond a little better with your younger sister. Sounds like you’re fortunate to have such close siblings and likewise they’re fortunate to have you. Thanks for sharing, Garner.

If anybody else would like to give Camp DeSoto a closer look, take a peek when you click right here and, as always, thanks for reading. Happy Camping!


- John


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