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Rookie Mellina

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Hey, Camp Folks!  

Staying hard at work with a myriad of personalized products waiting for a design to be embroidered on them, Mellina works in our Graphics Department. Well acquainted with our embroidery machines, Mellina has her area well-organized with stocked products and has the machines constantly plugging away on the next ordered design. But that’s enough work talk!  

More than work, today is about what Mellina would do if she got to go to summer camp right now as an adult. She gave me a well-rounded rundown of her favorite activities that she’d try, striking a decent balance between adventure and artistic skill. 

Mellina hasn’t had any experience in the activities she picked, which is why she picked them. She wanted to do something she’s never tried before. Check out the schedule she would make for herself:  

Stained Glass
A colorful first pick, Mellina has always been drawn to and intrigued by the look of Stained Glass. Mellina enjoys being crafty and so something with as much of a process to it as Stained Glass seems right up her alley. “It would be cool to make something,” she told me. “I like making stuff.” Indeed! Making stuff is what summer camp is all about! 

Ropes Course
While she’s never executed a ropes course before, but it sounds like a real thrill to her. She would love the opportunity with an elaborate course to truly challenge herself and find out what she’s capable of! 

Snorkeling is an experience that Mellina would love to have. She said she’d love to see such a foreign world that exists down there. That and she’d simply love to do something she’s never tried before. 

Pottery too was one that Mellina’s always had interest in and wanted to try. She’s simply never had the chance before. But it would definitely be found on her list of camp fun!  

Do you love any of the same camp activities as Mellina? Did you get to enjoy any of these essential summer camp experiences this summer? Comment below to let us know. And, as always, thanks for reading. Happy camping!  


- John


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