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Protected fun in the sun!

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Hey, Summer Lovers!

What’s not to love about summer? Going to the beach, family get-togethers, family vacations, SUMMER CAMP!!!—the fun never ends…until you wake up with a sunburn, that is. These horrible by-product of too much sun exposure can ruin a day, a week, and a lot more than that if harmful UV rays settle in to pose a certain threat to your skin.

Yes, Great sun protection for your little gator.unfortunately the most beautiful days bring with them harmful UV sun rays that come pelting down on your skin in brilliant sun showers. Fun in the sun can certainly turn into a painful experience if you’re not careful about protecting yourself against those gorgeous rays. And that’s why I’m talking about sunscreen today—National Sunscreen Day.

A day intended to remind us to practice proper protection against the powerful sun, Sunscreen Day spreads awareness of the damages sun exposure will do and the necessity to apply and reapply sunscreen products when spending time in the hot sun. Sunscreen works by creating a barrier between your skin and the rest of the world. Supergoop! is super formula for excellent sun protection.

With proper use, sunscreen will help to prevent skin cancer. ‘Proper’ use, however, is much more frequent than most people are probably aware. For true protection, people ought to apply sunscreen many times throughout the day (especially if you’re spending the whole day outside which you essentially will throughout the summer).

TruKid sunscreen is an excellent sunscreen source!That’s why our Sunscreen selection is full of fun misting sprays, gels, and wipes to help encourage campers to apply and reapply as needed. These are kid-safe and natural formulas from trusted brand names like Aloe Gator, Supergoop!, and Burt’s Bees.

Our Sunscreen Department goes beyond sunscreen for camp with products like lip balm and poison ivy protection. Get the protection you need right here when it’s time to head off to summer camp! And, as always, thanks for reading!


- John

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