Hey, Camp Fans!
Welcome to the very first Everything Summer Camp blog post. It’s great to see that you’ve made your way to our blog page and that you’re reading these words right now. It’s something new we’re starting up at Everything Summer Camp as we love talking to our customers as much as we can.
We’ll kick things off with an introduction, discussing the topics that will be covered on this blog. First and foremost, this blog is here to talk about camp—that’s the easy answer. It’s also our earnest desire to see fans and followers of this blog truly get to know us better here at Everything Summer Camp!

You’ll certainly get to know the people who work here when you read our Employee Spotlight posts. Everybody here plays a role in getting your camp gear to you, so it’ll be fun for you to know that it was Shirley who helped put together your camp trunk; and you may have even talked to Jessica on the phone when you ordered it.
We’ll also shine the spotlight on summer camps all around the country—maybe even the one you’re going to this summer! Those posts will cover what certain camps have in store for the coming summer season.
Our summer camp celebrity posts are sure to tell you something you didn’t know about your favorite big name—like where they went to summer camp when they were younger. Find out what Zooey Deshchanel was like when she was a kid or if James Franco’s camp experience has anything to do with the way he turned out.
Some posts will simply give the intriguing tales of other companies with whom we do business—how their businesses got started and the success they’ve seen in supplying their particular products. Get the inside scoop on crazy stories from Columbia, 3 Cheers for Girls, and Crazy Creek!
We’ll blog about all the exciting new products that we now carry so you can read up on the many conveniences and benefits of our summer camp gear and products.
Then, last but not least, we’ll go over tips and advice for your summer camp trips to make sure that your camp experience meets its full potential of fun!
Alright, campers, that’s all for today. Talk to you again soon!
- John