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No Camp for Keely

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Hey, Camp Folks!

Here is our last submission from our July ‘Share Your Camp Story’ Contest entries. The coronavirus has had a huge impact on everyone—camp included. And, though many kids were unable to attend camp this summer, we still wanted to hear from you. We asked to hear from kids who weren’t able to attend camp this season to record this very unusual time in our world.

This last submission for our ‘Share Your Camp Story’ Contest comes from Keely A. who was unable to attend Mountain Lakes Camp this year. Here’s her submission:

“After being afraid to go to camp for so many years, last year I went to camp for the first time! It was the greatest summer ever! I loved meeting new friends, my counselors, playing in the woods, and just having fun at camp. I was so excited to go back to camp this summer. I understand that we have to stay safe, but was really looking forward to camp. I can't wait to go next year and get back to playing with friends and having fun!”

Hey, Keely. Thanks for writing this. It sounds like you’re handling your disappointment well. You’re right that we all need to stay safe, but camp is supposed to be a really healthy influence in a kid’s life and help you grow. It’s really too bad that you had to miss out on what this year would have had to offer.

It will definitely help to look forward to next summer when you can actually go to camp and enjoy the fun and the friends that will be there with you! It’s sure to be a blast! To everyone else, you can check out Mountain Lakes Camp for yourself by clicking here. And, as always, thanks for reading!


- John


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