Hey, Camp Fans!
Your camp stories were great for the ‘Share Your Camp Story’ Contest here at Everything Summer Camp! It was such fun reading through them all. Now I’m eager to share them with our online community and post each submission right here on the Blog!
I’ve finished announcing our ten lucky winners who took larger prizes and now I’m sharing the rest of your submissions. The following post is from Dominick B. who wrote in to tell us about his camp experience at Camp Mondamin. Here’s his submission:

This was my first time going to sleep away camp and I had the best time of my life! I was supposed to go last summer, but COVID had other plans. My mom let me pick out the design of my trunk and I was so excited to help pack all my supplies! My trunk is awesome and held up well. I have collected stickers to decorate it. I plan on using this trunk through college. I want to be a camp counselor when I’m older!
I looked through all the trunk designs and we even watched a video of how sturdy the trunks are made by your company! I really liked the lightning bolt design. I got a trunk storage shelf to hold my personal items. I would like to buy another shelf if I win this contest! I would also like to buy a crazy creek chair or get one for my birthday.
I really loved camp and made some good friends. I decided to get into mountain biking and I was able to work my way up to a 3 day overnight trip to the Tsali mountain biking area. I also learned how to sail, kayak, and canoe. I was able to use all the new camping gear I bought, too! Thank you,
Thanks so much for this great entry, Dominick! It sounds like you might love your trunk and Everything Summer Camp even more than camp itself—but I’m sure that’s not the case. We’re thrilled to hear how well your gear worked out for you and how much you love your trunk! That’s great that you got to do your first summer at overnight camp (albeit one year later than planned). Camp Mondamin has a knack for showing campers the best time of their lives! Hope you enjoy more Mountain Biking this fall! Glad you had such a good time!
If anybody else is interested in Camp Mondamin, you can give it a closer look by clicking here and, as always, thanks for reading!
- John