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Lucy D. has Nor'Wester Glee!

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How goes it, Camp Folks?!

We asked how camp went and we were thrilled with the response. We had our best turnout yet this year for our annual ‘Share Your Camp Story’ Contest at Everything Summer Camp! Your camp stories were great! I had such a fun time reading through them all and now I’m excited to share them with all our readers online! We’re posting each submission right here on the Blog!

Since I’ve finished announcing our ten lucky winners who took larger prizes, I’ve Camp Norwester keeps the good times rolling summer after summer!moved on to the rest of your submissions. The following post is from Lucy D. who wrote in to tell us about her summer days at Camp Nor'Wester. Check it out:

“This summer was my second year at Camp Norwester which is in the San Juan Islands in Washington State near Canada. I was an Archer. My best friend from camp last year is Octavia and she is from Berlin. We wrote letters to each other all year and my parents surprised me with a visit to Berlin in June so we could see each other. Spending a month with her at camp again was the best. She is a true friend. Besides Octavia, my favorite part of camp is Potlatch where each camper gives a handmade gift to another camp. It's secret for the whole month until the weekend before camp ends. I used the woodshed to make a mountain which represents my friend Marina's love of hiking. I was given a blue plaid fleece blanket which reminds me of our times by the campfire and at musicale where we are encouraged to sing and play instruments. I have only been home a week and I miss camp and my camp friends already. I can't wait to go back and be a Mariner next July!”

Keep counting down the days, Lucy! Summer camp truly is a special place. It’s wonderful to hear just what kind of impact it is in your life. Next summer will come, but not nearly quick enough. In the meantime, to anybody else who’s interested in Camp Nor'Wester, you can give it a closer look sometime and, as always, thanks for reading!


- John

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