Hey, Camp Fans!
Time for Everything Summer Camp’s annual ‘Share Your Camp Story’ Contest has rolled around once again! We’re excited to give away our prizes and announce our lucky winners as well as posting their stories right here on the Blog. Today, I’m announcing our first $100 gift certificate winner right now!
And our first $100 winner is….Anna F.!
Congratulations, Anna! You just won $100 for our one-stop camping gear shop for your future equipment purchases! Thanks for sharing your summer experience at Camp DeSoto. Read her submission right here:

“Hello! My name is Anna F., and I’m going to tell you about my Camp DeSoto experience. When my mom first told me about camp I did not want to go, but when I heard that my best friend was going, I got super excited. When we pulled into camp I started to get nervous. My amazing counselor Grace made me feel right at home. DeSoto has three tribes. Blue Jays, Chickadees, and Cardinals. I am a Cardinal. The tribes compete in different activities to win the cup at the end of the term. This term the Cardinals won the cup! I was sooo happy.
During camp there is a horse show. I was the youngest rider but I still got second place! There are a lot of camp songs to learn. My favorite is ‘Lookout Mountain 35984’ It’s a song about wanting to back to DeSoto. There are also tribe songs. Song Fest is where your tribe leaders write a song and you perform it in front of the other tribes. If you win Song Fest you get a lot of points. The Cardinals won Song Fest so we won the cup.
Sleeping in a cabin was one of my favorite things about camp. The bug noises outside our cabin scared the first few night, but as I got used to them, they helped me go to sleep. I also loved getting mail. Every day (except on Sunday) we sit on our bed while Grace our counselor passes out mail. I loved this camp because you can go not knowing anyone and leave with tons of friends.”
Great, Anna! Camp DeSoto sounds extra special! I’m glad you were happy with your camp stay despite not wanting to go initially! Good job giving camp a try! Nice job winning that cup too! Go Cardinals! I know how it can be trying to sleep in a new environment, but once you get used to it, I bet your cabin was really cool to fall asleep in. Glad to hear you enjoyed yourself, Anna!
To anybody else interested in Camp DeSoto, you can check it out by clicking right here. Be sure to tune in tomorrow to find out who our grand prize winner is! And, as always, thanks for reading!
- John