Hey, Camp Folks!
Staying hard at work with an assortment of responsibilities, Nate is our Manager of the Graphics Department—a role that keeps him rather busy developing new product ideas, keeping our apparel stocked, overseeing all product production, printer and other equipment maintenance, and a whole lot more than just that. But we’re not talking about work today!

Today we’re going to find out what Nate would do if he got to go to summer camp right now as an adult. He couldn’t settle on any one camp activity so he gave me a laundry list of fun stuff he’d sign up for. Check out the busy schedule he made for himself:
In his freshman year of high school, Nate thought Tennis looked interesting. He eventually played with the team after school. He had a great time playing it and, while it didn’t stick, he’d be all too happy to give it another go.
Nate’s been sharpening his Golf skills for the past 10 years. He started out heading to a course here and there with friends, but somewhere along the way, he decided to get pretty serious about it. Play became obsession and, for quite some time now, Golf has been a weekly pastime.
While he’s only gone a handful of times in his life, Nate found that he really enjoys the challenge of Trapshooting. He told me that if it wasn’t for Golf, he’d probably be obsessed with Trapshooting.
Another favorite pastime Nate loves is Fishing. He’s typically catching Walleye or Bass. Nate’s kids enjoy going fishing as well. They’ll often go with his older brother; fishing is to Nate’s brother as Golf is to him!
For a little over a year now, Nate and his family have been going on hikes together. It’s great to get out and enjoy some fresh air in the natural world away from chirping phones and flashing screens. They do go to local hotspots like Irvine Park, Peninsula State Park, and Big Falls County Park.
Nate already does quite a bit of cooking, but he sees it as a life skill that can always been improved upon. He enjoys making meals for his family on his Blackstone Hibachi Grill. Even in the winter months here in Wisconsin, Nate will do some outdoor cooking at least once a week.
Computer Camp
Nate knows computers are another life skill—something that will be needed more and more as time goes on. He taught himself Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator in order to update our methods of creating personalized products in the Graphics Department.
Do you share any of Nate’s interests in summer camp activities? I know I do. And he could definitely cook something for me one of these days! See what kind of options are available to you at your camp and, as always, thanks for reading!
- John