Hey, Camp Fans!
We received more than 50 entries for our ‘Share Your Camp Story’ Contest here at Everything Summer Camp and I’ve been happily plugging away at publishing each one of them right here on the Blog to share with all our readers!

Today's camp story submission comes from Charley H., who wrote in tell us about her fifth summer and her love for summer camp at Camp Wyonegonic.
“Camp has always been a huge part of my life. I started as an 8 year old in 2018, scared and never having been away from my parents. But over the next 3 1/2 weeks, I found a home at Wyo. I have come back ever since, and this year was my 5th summer. My camp friends are my closest friends in the world, and I have turned from a scared little 8 year old to a confident teenager. The camp spirit has and continues to encourage me to grow, surrounded by other girls from all around the world on the same journey. Camp is over now, but I am excited and ready for the 10 month wait, to spent just two months at home on the shores of Moose Pond.”
Thanks for submitting your camp story into us, Charley! It’s great to hear how much you’ve come to love your summer camp stays at Camp Wyonegonic over the years. Isn’t it funny looking back at your initial reaction to arriving at camp, compared to how excited you are when you arrive now?! I hope your friendships from camp and love for Wyo grow stronger and stronger with each summer stay!
For anyone else interested in attending a summer camp stay at Camp Wyonegonic in Maine, click right here and take a look around their website to see if it might be the right place for you and your camper. Until next time, thanks for reading. And, as always, Happy Camping!
- John
Absolutely loved all 7 summers I spent at Wyonegonic … 1978-1984. My three daughters loved it too!