Hey, Camp Fans!
Your camp stories were great this year! It was lots of fun to read through them all and now I’m excited to share them with all our readers online! We’re posting each submission right here on the Blog! Since I’ve finished announcing our ten lucky winners who took larger prizes, I’ve moved on to everyone else who got a $20 gift certificate as a show of our appreciation.
The following post is from Sarah R. who wrote in to reminisce about her summer days at Camp Presmont and share her anticipation to send her daughter to camp this year! Here’s what she wrote:

I spent 5 summers in the 80’s going to Camp Presmont with my friends from our church, and a couple of other summers going to horseback riding camp. I wasn’t a really outdoorsy girl, but going to camp taught me how to explore and thrive outside of my usual comfort zone. Things I remember the most are going fishing for the first time in my life on big pontoon boats and running up and down hills, in and out of the woods for capture the flag. And also spending all my cash in the basement camp store every day for things we totally didn’t need but loved buying. I do remember being a bit homesick, but not enough to not want to go back every summer. As I prepare for my own daughter to begin going to camp, I’m amazed at how much fun stuff there is to do and bring – back in the 80’s, I showed up with some tennis shoes and an old sleeping bag. While these things change, I am so excited for my daughter to spend 2 weeks this upcoming summer in the great outdoors, away from the hustle and bustle of real life. I am preparing to miss her more than she will miss us!
Yes. We talk a lot about how children can cope with the inevitable feelings of homesickness, but we don’t talk nearly as much about the other end of the stick though it’s a very real matter—childsickness. Check out what summer camp expert Chris Thurber has to say about it when you click here. In any case, I hope your girl had a great camp experience this season. I hope she enjoys it as much as you did back in the 80’s and camp becomes a part of her seasonal traditions for summers to come!
For everyone else, you can give Camp Presmont a closer look. Check it out for yourself by clicking here and, as always, thanks for reading!
- John