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Like Mother, Like Daughter

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Hey, Camp Fans!

We were delighted to have received such a great response—30 entries—for our ‘Share Your Camp Story’ Contest that we held here at Everything Summer Camp, we’re excited to publish each of your entries right here on the Blog! Following our seven lucky winners of bigger prizes, all other submissions got a $15 gift certificate to our online store! Today’s post is from Eve B., who wrote in to tell us about her time (as well as her daughters’) at summer camp—30-some years in the making! Check out what she wrote:

As a child who was bullied in school, going to overnight camp was the highlight of my childhood. I started going to YMCA Camp Foss, in Strafford, NH, in 1980, and immediately fell in love with the camp’s small, low-key, girls-only environment. Here was a camp that truly embodied the spirit of summer, with a staff of strong female role models who nurtured each camper’s individuality with great care and love. It was during my 9 summers at camp, both as a camper and a counselor, that I developed confidence, creativity, independence, and lifelong friendships that made me the person I am today. Fast forwarding 25 years, our daughter just completed her 4th summer at camp (often in cabins with the daughters of my childhood camp friends!). It’s remarkable, but not surprising, to see how deeply her camp experience contributes to her development. At the end of each summer, she’s a little bolder, a little more balanced, a lot happier. She’s a kid who marches fearlessly to her own beat, and we know that so much of her ability to do so comes from the confidence and support she gathers at camp. While camp has meant different things to her and myself, what’s clear is that it’s empowering, and builds meaningful memories and friendships for her, just as it did for me! I can’t think of a greater gift for a lifetime, particularly for a young girl navigating the world.”

Awesome, Eve! I’m so glad that your particular summer camp has remained such an important part in your life directly and through your daughter. It must be so great that your daughter is getting to experience for the first time what you did all those summers ago! As always, thanks for reading!


- John


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