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Like Mother, Like Daughter

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Hey, Camp Fans!

The ‘Share Your Camp Story’ drawing here at Everything Summer Camp has brought in about 30 entries! It was a great response that made us eager to publish each one right here on the Blog! After our seven lucky winners, everyone else who submitted received a $15 gift certificate to our online store—so really everyone who submitted is a winner! Today’s post features Suzanne P.’s camp entry which reminisces about her magical camp stay now that her daughter is following in her footsteps at A wonderful place to go to camp...“Everything I remember about summer camp was absolutely amazing! Being nestled on the banks of Lake Fairfield for the summer was magical. I loved listening to the frogs serenade us at night and the fairies that flew by our cabins lighting up the night. When I return in the summers now with my daughter, the same magic returns. She now experiences all that Merrie Woode has to offer. One of my most precious memories was the torch coming in from the lake for opening campfire, signifying the beginning of the session. At the end of the session, I loved watching the torch go back to the lake to rest for the long winter months. Along with the torch, each camper would send a single candle onto the lake allowing the light in them to go out to the rest of world. It was a gorgeous site to see!”

Thanks again for your submission, Suzanne! Sounds like your summer camp days played a very important and memorable role in your life. It’s great to hear that your daughter is getting the same, magical summer camp experience that you had as a kid. To anyone else interested in Camp Merrie-Woode, you can check it out right here. As always, thanks for reading!


- John


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