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Krystina A. and her Camp Heyday!

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Hey, Camp Lovers!

We saw such a great response to our annual ‘Share Your Camp Story’ Contest at Everything Summer Camp in 2018 that we’re still going strong publishing each submission right here on the Blog. Your stories were fantastic and it’s such a fun time reading through them! Do you have any memories of Golden Slipper Camp?

Today’s post comes from Krystina A. who wrote in to tell us about her son’s time at Golden Slipper Camp, located in Pennsylvania. Get a look at today’s submission about Peyton’s summer camp experience:

My son Peyton attends Golden Slipper Camp. I actually attended this camp when I was his age! I still can’t believe when I drop him off how many people I recognize from my encampments some 20 years ago! It all started because he was socially awkward and having trouble with working in teams at school. He also got bullied. Being a single mother made some of this difficult for me to help him with as it’s me and him against the world most days. So I thought about the camp I went to. It helped him build teamwork skills with their olympics competitions and there are so many activities that the kids get to choose for themselves as electives building individuality. I mean most kids these days sit around all summer playing video games. So for 3.5 weeks in the summer he goes off to summer camp. No electronics—all old school style!!! Yea, they have to write letters!!! The first year he was a bit lost but he made soooo many friends, learned how to do many things boys his age do (like shave, I have no clue I’m a girl!) he loved the dances and all the really creative night activities like color wars, tug of war, trivia night, and so much more. The dinner dance is a fancy night and he learned how to find a date ‘n treat them like a lady! This camp has helped him grow into a very well rounded and respectable young man. He is now 14 and just came back from his 4th year. He is hoping to be a counselor when he becomes of age and, honestly, if I could I would too!! Summers are so boring for kids and single activities are pricey like what?... $50 plus to do one sports team for 2 days a week that lasts a month maybe? This place they get all of them crammed into non-stop fun for 3.5 weeks!!! He looks forward to it every year and talks about it non-stop till the next year! He has even learned to fly on his own and navigate his way through an airport. He is such an independent young man now. Every year he comes back a new kid!

This is awesome, Krystina! It’s so great to hear this kind of feedback about how much summer camp has truly shaped Peyton into a responsible, independent, and confident young man! Happy to hear that he hopes to counsel when that day comes! Golden Slipper Camp must be a pretty special place. How cool you two get to share the love for this place!

As for anybody else interested in Golden Slipper Camp, give it a closer look for yourself some time and, as always, thanks for reading!


- John


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