What’s up, Camp Fans?!
We love all the camp tales you've shared for our 'Share Your Camp Story' Contest here at Everything Summer Camp. Our participants truly exceeded our expectations this year! These stories are great and I can't wait to showcase them to our online community. Every submission is getting featured right here on the Blog!

And now that we’ve announced our ten lucky winners who took larger prizes, we’re ready to share the rest of the submissions we received. The following post is from Caitlyn B. who decided to write about her time at Kickapoo Kamp in Texas. Check out what she had to say about her camp stay right now:
“This was my second year attending Kickapoo Kamp. At the end of my first summer, I knew I had fun and I knew I wanted to go back but I didn’t realize how much. As soon as my mom dropped me off this year I knew that Kickapoo Kamp was my home and I knew that everyone was my family. The counselors and staff immediately welcomed me back and all my anxiety about being away from home for three weeks disappeared. My days were filled with all of my favorite activities and some new ones. I played tennis for the first time and realized that I really like it, which is strange because I never really like any sports. Some of my favorite things at camp are the food and singing songs. If you have never had grape ice cream you are missing out and it is a Kickapoo Kamp tradition. My three weeks went by so fast and I was not ready to go home. The first thing I said when my mom came to pick me up was to ask if she registered me to go back next summer.”
I love it, Caitlyn! Great submission. I’m glad you had such a fun camp stay this past summer. Kamp Kickapoo sounds like a really inviting place. How wonderful you feel so comfortable and at home at kamp…I mean, camp. It’s great to hear that you discovered a love for Tennis; way to try something new! I’m glad you’re planning on heading back in the next camp season. In the meantime, I’ll have to try and track down some grape ice cream. Thanks for writing in, Caitlyn!
If anyone else would like to give Kamp Kickapoo closer, you can do so by clicking right here. Thanks for reading and, as always, Happy Camping!
- John