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JW Went Ha

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Hey, Camp Fans!

Your camp stories were great! I had a great time reading through them all and now I’m excited to share them with all our readers online and post each submission right here on the Blog! I’ve finished announcing our ten lucky winners who took larger prizes and we’ve now moved on to the rest of your submissions.

The following entry is from JW B. who wrote in to tell us about his camp experience at Camp Hayo-Went-Ha. Here is JW’s submission right now:


“In my camp experience this year, my favorite part was our canoe trip. I will never forget the first day. We had made it to our campsite for the night when we realized that one of our cabin mates had left a tent on his bed. It turns out that when he was packing he just completely forgot it. It ended up being a funny experience because my cabin mate who forgot it was really funny so he made up a hilarious story about how he left it and, one of the camp workers drove the tent to our site so we were all able to sleep. On the morning of our second day, we had some bit sized pancakes for breakfast. Due to they're not being enough mix for bigger pancakes, most kids were very hungry by the time lunch rolled around. When we found out that we didn’t have enough food to make a good lunch or dinner, some of our counselors went to a grocery store to buy some food and water (apparently counselors get hungry too). We had another funny like the tent story on the last day…I was canoeing with my friend from home and we saw what we thought was our landing site. Now the day before he was in a canoe with a kid who did no work whatsoever so he was SUPER sore. We were rowing 90 degrees to the right for where the current was taking us so it was pretty easy going, however there was another canoe next to us who had our two friends in it and we were looking to beat them so we started paddling as hard and as fast as we could only to realize that that wasn’t our landing site and we still had a huge up stream paddle left to go needless to say we got to shore and our bus driver brought us sandwich making materials and we had some delicious sandwiches. And this is why the canoe trip was the best part of my trip, and it wasn’t because of the canoeing, it was the memories and friends that I made.”


Wonderful, JW! Thanks for sending us this piece about your summer camp stay! Aside from hiccups like leaving a tent behind and not bringing enough food along, your canoe trip sounds amazing (And, hey! Bite-sized pancakes probably taste just as good as the regular-sized, right?). Good thing you had people to fall back on to get a tent out to you guys or make a grocery run when you ran out of food! Wish I could hear the story your cabin mate delivered about forgetting his tent, but it’s still funny without.  Glad you had such a good time, JW.  

For anybody else interested in Camp Hayo-Went-Ha, you can give it a closer look by clicking here and, as always, thanks for reading!


- John


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