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Just a Lil Video

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Hey, Camp Fans!

Your camp stories for the Everything Summer Camp ‘Share Your Camp Story’ Contest were all so great! I had such a fun time reading through them all and now I’m excited to be sharing them with all our readers here on the Blog! Since I’ve finished announcing our ten lucky winners who took larger prizes, I’ve moved on to the rest of your submissions and we’re posting each submission one by one!

The following post is from Lulu S. who submitted our first video entry to tell us about her summer stay at Camp Arbutus Hayo-Went-Ha. Watch her video right here:


“Hi. I’m Lulu Stewart and I went to Camp Arbutus Hayo-Went-Ha. Here is my camp sweatshirt, yeah? So I had a pretty fun experience with my Everything Summer Camp trunk and Bunk Organizer that I won from the Easter event along with like the 70 other things I won from reposting it, but Arbutus Hayo-Went-ha is a really fun experience that I would recommend to like any girl who’s from third grade to a senior in high school and there are kids from all across the world. The girl who came from the farthest was from Singapore.

You can go for either two or four weeks or you can go to the day camp which is in Torch Lake so it’s not at the girls camp but it’s at the boys camp and you might see my brother there. He’s going to submit something later.

My girls camp is like 15-20 minutes away from my brother’s camp. It’s only 15 minutes away from the nearest hospital so if anyone got injured it would be pretty fast before we could get you to the hospital in Traverse City. It is around the Traverse City area and near Bel-air. The meals are very good. There are options for everybody like vegetarian options or salad bars or vegan options and they put out pbj options if you don’t like any of the food.

What else? A cabin can have up to twelve people. There are four divisions which are Happy Hollow, the Hollow, The Thicket, and Niji Hill. Happy Hollow’s for the youngest kids. There are three age groups here. Well, all of them have three age groups. The people there are very nice and not afraid to get you in trouble if you do something bad.

What else? There’s something for everyone. During G-Swim you can go to the waterfront, you can go to Arts & Crafts, you can go to the Climbing Tower, you can go to the Ropes Course. G-Swim is basically your time to roam alone, as long as you have a buddy, of course. I made friends with most of the people in Happy Hollow. There are trips for every age group and different trips for if you go for two or four weeks.

I was a Pathfinder this year so I was in Happy Hollow and we went to Sleeping Bear Dunes and hiked up 29 dunes. I know. It’s a lot. But it’s an experience that you’ll never forget for the rest of your life and if you keep going year after year…well, then…you’re all set.”


Great! Thanks for this video submission, Lulu! It’s great to hear how much you like Hayo-Went-Ha. Sounds like you took great advantage of all the fun opportunities at camp and made lots of friends! Nice work out in the Sleeping Bear Dunes. 29?!! My goodness! I bet you slept good that night. Enjoy plenty summers to come, Lulu.

For everyone else, you can give Camp Arbutus Hayo-Went-Ha a closer look. Check it out for yourself by clicking here and, as always, thanks for reading!


- John


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